
[Testing] Concurrent writing to Google Sheets using Google Form and HTML form

When the users try to write to Spreadsheet using a form, the developers have to consider to the concurrent submission from the form. For example, when the multiple users submit the data with the form simultaneously, all data are possibly not to be saved to the Spreadsheet. So it is considered that it is important to know the information about the concurrent writing to Google Spreadsheet using a form. In this report, such situation was investigated.

A very useful analysis to see how many form submissions can be handled in Google Sheets at the same time. The experiment looks at both submissions using Google Forms and as a Web App.

Source: Concurrent Writing to Google Spreadsheet using Form

How to Request Payments with Stripe Checkout and Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

How to use Google Sheets to generate Stripe payment links and request payments in any currency from customers anywhere in the world!

We’ve previously featured Amit Agarwal’s Razorpay and Google Sheets payment solution. This latest example from Amit highlights how to integrate Stripe payments with Google Sheets. The source post contains the code you’ll need, how to setup and also automation options.

Source: How to Request Payments with Stripe Checkout and Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

How to Use Service Accounts and OAuth2 in Google Apps Script

Image: Dmitry Kostyuk

Give your scripts privileges that your users don’t have … In 99% of all cases, authorizations in Google Apps Script are extremely straightforward. When a user executes their script, they run it as themselves with their respective authorization scopes. … However, what if you need to give more rights to your app beyond what your intended users will have? … This is where service accounts come in.

A useful post to find out more about service accounts and how to use them with Google Apps Script. The tutorial put together by Dmitry Kostyuk includes example code for using a service accounts with Firestore, BigQuery and the Admin Directory API.

Source: How to Use Service Accounts and OAuth2 in Google Apps Script

Create Google Calendar events from sending yourself a Gmail on a mobile device using Google Apps Script

This Google Apps Script allows you to create a Google Calendar event by sending yourself an email in Gmail. Unlike Gmail’s current feature to create Google Calendar events, this script allows you to be on a mobile device.

We’ve featured a couple of contributions from Al Chen in the past and this is another great one. For some context Al has also posted Productivity hack for creating a Google Calendar event by sending yourself an email. For the source code and setup follow the link at the end of the post. If you use Product Hunt and find this solution you can upvote here.

Source: GitHub – al-codaio/events-from-gmail: Create Google Calendar events from sending yourself a Gmail on a mobile device using Google Apps Script.

How to Validate Specific Users on a Web App in Google Apps Scripts – Yagisanatode

Learn how to validate specific users on a Web App, Google Workspace sidebar or dialogue box with Google Apps Scripts. In this tutorial, we will explore how to validate selected users to provide access to your web app. For our example, we validate users based on whether or not they have edit access to a Google Drive file ( a common occurrence). In the discussion, we will also look at alternative ways of validating emails.

Interesting solution for access control to a Apps Script web app by using a Google Doc share permissions as a proxy. The post contains all the code you need and a discussion of other approaches.

Source: How to Validate Specific Users on a Web App in Google Apps Scripts – Yagisanatode

How to Create a Telegram Bot for Sending Notifications using Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

Learn how to create your own Telegram bot with Google Apps Script and post notification messages from Google Sheets, Forms and other Google apps.

We’ve a couple of Telegram bot posts already shared in Pulse. The latest come from Amit Agarwal who shares his insight, highlighting some particularly useful functionality and use cases. More details in the source link.

Source: How to Create a Telegram Bot for Sending Notifications using Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

Bypassing the Maximum Script Runtime in Google Apps Script

Image: Dmitry Kostyuk

Google Apps Script is an amazing language that can automate a lot of your work. However, working with GAS also means that you have to learn to live with its built-in limitations and quotas. One such quota is the total script runtime. … I have experienced that the time required to complete tasks like copying or even simply listing files on a drive or in a directory can be quite long. Merging hundreds or thousands of documents can also take longer than both thresholds. Now let’s look into how we can build a solution

Another community contribution looking at handling script runtime and this one is also worth looking into for tips on structuring your code. The tutorial includes lots of useful information and an explanation of what is going on and might be a useful example to look if you are interested in moving your Apps Script coding abilities to the next level.

Source: Bypassing the Maximum Script Runtime in Google Apps Script

List All Users in an Organisation’s Google Workspace Account with Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

Note! This tutorial is for Google Workspace for organisations and not the free consumer account, unfortunately. While the Google Apps Script docs provide a great example of how to get a list of users in a Domain on a Google Workspace account, it is not in the scope of the documentation to go into the weeds and explain all the ways we can search for all users.

In this tutorial, we will cover how to access your Google Workspace organisation’s user data, what data you can retrieve and how it looks, who can retrieve it and a couple of ways to display what you need.

Scott ‘Yagi’ Donald gives another thorough post for Google Apps Script users. Whilst targeted at Google Workspace users this tutorial has some great explanations of common Apps Script patterns, such as pagination and query parameters, that are useful to know when interacting with other Google APIs.

Source: List All Users in an Organisation’s Google Workspace Account with Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

Website Status Monitoring using Google Sheets [and Google Apps Script with optional notifications to Google Chat]

A Spreadsheet-bound apps script solution to conduct automated status monitoring on websites listed by the user in a Google Sheets management file. A separate status log file in Google Sheets will be created so that users can easily integrate data with BI services such as Google Data Studio. Notifications of changes in website status will be sent to the user’s Gmail. An optional setting to send notifications to Google Chat is available.

Nice example of using Google Chat for individual/group notification. The developer of this is also very responsive on Github if you encounter issues or have suggested changes.

Source: Website Status Monitoring using Google Sheets

Deliver asynchronous notifications in Google Chat using webhooks (Webhooks + Apps Script = Magic)

For community members receiving these timely updates, this “bot” may seem magical. In reality, it’s neither magic nor a traditional Chat bot, so the reference in the Chat UI calling it a “bot” is a bit of a misnomer. The Google Updates “bot” is in fact a simple Google Apps Script application that parses the RSS feed about new posts, and sends them asynchronously to the room via webhooks.

We’ve highlighted the ‘Wexbot’ before both in a Pulse post and in a Totally Unscripted episode, but nice to see it also feature in the official Google Developers blog.

Source: Deliver asynchronous notifications in Google Chat using webhooks