
How to Make Your NPM Package Available in Google App Script

Boboss74, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

I recently came across GAS — Google App Script and immediately the first hurdle I had to overcome to was make my NPM packages available on there. I had to hop through a couple loops to make this happen. I wanted to call out the steps in this blog so it’ll hopefully help someone out there as well.

In Pulse we’ve previously highlighted a couple of approaches for using NPM libraries in Google Apps Script. The linked source post come from, recent guest on Totally Unscripted, Nima Poulad, Senior Software Engineer at DocuSign. Nima highlights a quick and dirty approach of using eval() on hosted NPM libraries, but goes on to show how Browseify can be used to convert NPM libraries, highlighting some considerations for this approach.

Source: How to Make Your NPM Package Available in Google App Script

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