
Correcting date formats in Google Sheets with Apps Script

Screenshot showing difference between American/British date formats

Search through Google Sheet data and correct the format of any date values to your choosing.

The following Google Apps Script is just one way you could search through data within a Google Sheet, pinpoint all date-values (no matter where they are), check their format (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy) and update it to a format of your choosing if necessary.

This function has been useful when American/British date formats have managed to make their way into a Google Sheet.

Source: The Gift of Script: Correct date formats in a Google Sheet

How to use Google Apps Script to automate your Gmail out-of-office message

As a Developer Advocate for Google Workspace, I live and breathe productivity tools. But even the most tech-savvy among us can have frustratingly simple oversights. My recurring pain point? Forgetting to turn on my Gmail vacation responder to automatically notify people of my absence before heading out of office.

Google Workspace Developer Advocate, Chanel Greco, has shared a clever solution to automate their Gmail out-of-office notification using Google Apps Script. Faced with the recurring problem of forgetting to set up the out-of-office notification, Chanel crafted a script that does the job based on Google Calendar events marked as ‘outOfOffice’.

Chanel’s project not only solves a personal problem but also demonstrates the benefits of Google Apps Script for task customization and productivity. By harnessing the power of Workspace APIs, you can create innovative solutions to automate routine tasks and streamline workflows.

Follow the source link to read more…

Source: How I Used Apps Script to Never Forget My Gmail Vacation Responder Again

Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 2: Source Code and Project Structure


Following up from last week, we get into how I built the table() method in our ConsolAS class, using test-driven development (TDD). This is a cool way to make sure everything works perfectly by testing each part before we fully build it. We’re aiming to make it work just like the console.table() function in Google Chrome, which is pretty handy.

Source: Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 2: Source Code and Project Structure

Find out who has access to your Google Drive files using Google Apps Script

In this blog we are going to find out who exactly has access to my Google Drive files, be it a Google Sheet, Google Doc, Form and more. To do this we are going to be using the DriveApp and Google Apps Script.

Recently Aryan Irani shared this post which shows how you can get the file permissions on a Google Drive file using DriveApp. This uses the DriveApp methods for .getEditors() and .getViewers(), which left me wondering about commenters???

The answer is file commenters are included in the .getViewers() response and as pointed out by TheMaster you can filter out commenters with .getAccess().

Another approach is to use the Advanced Drive Service:

The advanced Drive service lets you use the Google Drive API in Apps Script. Much like Apps Script’s built-in Drive service, this API allows scripts to create, find, and modify files and folders in Google Drive. In most cases, the built-in service is easier to use, but this advanced service provides a few extra features, including access to custom file properties as well as revisions for files and folders.

Learning about the Advanced Drive Service can be useful as it open up more opportunities to interact with Google Drive content and can also help you get file properties.

In the case of permissions there is a dedicated Permissions Resource that allows access to all the file permissions. For example, if I wanted to see what accounts had access to a file in MyDrive you can use:

// Requires Drive Advanced Service v3
const fileP = Drive.Permissions.list(fileId, {
  fields: "*" // all fields
}); => {
  console.log(`${perm.role} - ${perm.emailAddress}`)

Using the Advanced Drive Service does require a step up in understanding how to call the Drive API and the response you get but once you begin understanding it can come with huge benefits with more efficient code.

Source: Find out who has access to your Google Drive Files using Google Apps Script

Replace text in a Google Doc with an image from Google Drive with Google Apps Script

Search the body of a Google Doc for a specific string/pattern and insert an image in place of it.

In this example the code is designed to sit behind the Google Doc so it is bound to it. There are 4 pieces of information to complete in order to setup the script:

  1. searchText – this is the unique string/pattern in the Doc that you want to replace with an image e.g. “<<keyword>>
  2. imageURL – this is the direct link to the image in Google Drive that you wish to use in the Doc.
  3. size – a numerical value representing the number of pixels for the image’s width/height.
  4. hyperlinkURL – if you want the image to be clickable then provide a link for it.

Source: The Gift of Script: Replace text in a Google Doc with an image

Manage Google Form onFormSubmit script executions with Script Lock

Use the Apps Script Lock Service to control Form submissions and prevent data loss

Lock Service code snippet

Lock Service code snippet

The following Google Apps Script is a one example of how the Lock Service can be used to prevent concurrent running of code. Here we have a Google Form that can be submitted by users at any point, the code then takes some of those details and appends them to another Google Sheet row. In normal circumstances this will happen relatively quickly and without clashes, but what if multiple people submit the Form at the same time!?

[Editor note: An alternative approach to tryLock() is waitLock(). The only different with a waitLock() is it will throw an exception after the set number of milliseconds. An example of waitLock() with onFormSubmit is included in the reference documentation]

Source: The Gift of Script: Control Form submissions with Script Lock

Retrieve comments with emoji reactions from Google Docs, Google Slides and Google Sheet using Google Apps Script

This report introduces the method for retrieving the Emoji reactions from the comments in Google Docs files (Google Documents, Google Slides, and Google Spreadsheets) using Google Apps Script.

Here’s a clever workaround by Kanshi Tanaike for retrieving comments with emoji reactions in Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets using Google Apps Script. The process to achieve this is a little convoluted in that Google Docs, Slides and Sheets are exported in Microsoft equivalent formats, then re-imported into Google formats. To remove some of the pain the post includes sample code snippets for achieving this, which can easily be adapted.

Source: Retrieve Comments with Emoji Reactions from Google Documents, Google Slides, and Google Spreadsheets using Google Apps Script

How to send Base64 images in Gmail with Google Apps Script

Gmail will not render base64 images embedded inside HTML emails but with Google Apps Script, you can use blobs to send the base64 encoded images

Base64 is a way of encoding binary data (like images) as a string of text. This makes it possible to embed images in webpages and HTML emails without hosting images on a server. An issue however, particularly for email, is that not all email services like Gmail support base64 encoded images.

Amit Agarwal’s latest blog post discusses a workaround for Gmail which involves using Google Apps Script to convert the base64 images to a blob and then embedding the blob in the email. There are some nice techniques in this post for handling/searching text strings with regular expressions as well as converting them to a Gmail friendly format.

Source: How to Send Base64 Images in Email with Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

Dynamic chart heading in Google Sheets 📊 with a little Apps Script


Image script: Ben Collins'

Today we’ll see how to link a chart title to a cell, so that the chart title automatically reflects whatever value is in the cell

Today’s Pulse snippet comes courtesy of Ben Collins’ excellent Google Sheets Tips Newsletter, Tip 272. It uses a very basic onEdit() trigger to update a chart title based on a cell value. Ben has a great way of highlighting solutions without getting readers lost in complexity. Hopefully this example highlights the how easily you can modify Google Sheet charts using Apps Script.

If you are an Apps Script novice and looking for an easy way to learn what else is possible my own tip is to start the macro recorder, modify an embedded Google Sheets chart and then look at the resulting macro code in the Script Editor.

Source: Sheets Tip 272: Dynamic chart heading in Sheets 📊

Apps Script Pattern. Stop Script Execution on conditions from a Google Sheet

The common pattern for checking the business logic before executing automation

Here’s a clever little snippet from Max Makhrov which combines Google Apps Script with conditional logic created using Google Sheets functions, the resulting cell value being used for the error message.

 * @param {String} rangeName
 * @returns {Boolean} toStopExecution
function getStopMessageBoxFromNamedRange_(rangeName) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  var r = ss.getRangeByName(rangeName);
  var v = r.getValue();
  if (v === '') {
    return false;
  var stopHeader = 'The script was stopped';
  Browser.msgBox(stopHeader, v, Browser.Buttons.OK);
  return true;

If after reading Max’s post you are unsure how this works, here is an example Google Sheet with some test data and logic as well as a ‘My Menu’ open to test the bound script.

Source: Apps Script Pattern. Stop Script Execution on conditions from Sheet