
Effortlessly integrate WooCommerce customer data in Google Sheets with a little Google Apps Script

Learn how to easily export your WooCommerce customers email, name and address to Google Sheets using Google Apps Script. The script will create a new tab in your Google Sheet and copy the data from the WooCommerce customers table.

If you are a WooCommerce store owner you might be interested in this solution by Amit Agarwal who provides a step-by-step guide on how to export WooCommerce customer data (email, name, address) to Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

No more manual CSV exports or complex integrations, simply copy the provided script and follow the setup instructions. With this solution you can enhance your workflows, gain insights, and enhance your customer outreach. If you are not an existing WooCommerce user a solution for developers to keep in mind if you are seeking to optimise your Google Workspace add-ons customer experience.

Source: How to Export WooCommerce Customers to Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

Gassypedia October 2024 Update: Apps Script Ecosystem Trends on Github

Time for an occasional update on the shared BigQuery dataset all about the Apps Script ecosystem on Github, with reports available on Looker Studio.

Bruce Mcpherson has created an October 2024 update report on Gassypedia, a shared dataset that tracks the Google Apps Script ecosystem on Github. The data is publicly available on BigQuery and Looker Studio if you want to explore yourself, but Bruce has also provided this report on trends in Apps Script usage.

Key findings from the October 2024 update include:

  • Growth in shared code and developers: There has been a 7% increase in the number of developers detected and a 6% increase in the number of repos and manifests shared.
  • Rise of Sheets Add-ons: A 10% increase in total Add-ons shared, with Sheets overtaking Gmail as the most popular type.
  • Increased advanced service usage: Drive remains the most popular advanced service, with an 11% increase in usage.
  • Library usage insights: The most popular library is oauth2, with 235 distinct users. Identifying library creators is challenging and current methods are not 100% reliable.

The report also includes detailed breakdowns of developer profiles, geographic locations, repo contents, manifest profiles, OAuth scope usage, and library usage. Overall, the data suggests that Apps Script usage on Github is growing, with more developers sharing their code and creating add-ons, web apps, and data studio connectors.

Click through to read more and see who, where and what some of the Apps Script community have been up to…

Source: Gassypedia – October 2024 update – Desktop liberation

Unlock the power of charts: Get your free Google Sheets visual vocabulary template from Ben Collins 

Enhance your Google Sheets skills with this Visual Vocabulary template. Learn how to choose the right charts, create effective visualizations, and design professional-looking dashboards. This comprehensive guide includes 31 common chart types, tips for data organization, and step-by-step instructions for using the SUBTOTAL formula to create interactive “Show/Hide” rows. Perfect for data enthusiasts and spreadsheet users of all levels!

Friend and fellow GDE, Ben Collins, has recently announced a new ‘Sheets Insiders’ membership program where he’ll be sharing some exclusive members-only newsletters, new templates, deep-dive tutorials, and more for both Google Sheets and Apps Script.

If you would like to ‘try before you buy’ Ben has shared the first issue of the Sheets Insiders membership program, featuring a Visual Vocabulary template for Google Sheets. The template is designed to help you in chart selection and the accompanying videos include lots of great tips to help you cleanly format your spreadsheets.

Future Sheets Insiders issues will delve into chart tricks, dropdown menus, interactive elements, AI and Sheets integration, formula challenges, and Apps Script content. The newsletter content will be archived in the Sheets Insiders Content Library for future reference. Click through to read more about Sheets Insiders and get your copy of the Google Sheets Visual Vocabulary Template.

Source: Sheets Insiders 1: Visual Vocabulary Template

Optimizing Google Apps Script: Minimizing latency with Google Cloud data regions

Ping results to Google Cloud regions and short code snippet demonstrating how to measure latency from Google Apps Script.

As Google Apps Script is a software as a service, writing efficient code is crucial, especially for complex solutions. It’s also important to consider marginal gains, such as finding small ways to improve your script’s responsiveness.

If you’re using Google Cloud services like Vertex AI, Cloud Functions, or others, you’ll also want to consider the latency between your Apps Script code and the Google Cloud data region. Justin Poehnelt recently revisited the work of Ivan Kutil, providing a way to measure Google Cloud region latency from your Apps Script project.

Interestingly, when I ran Justin’s sample code, I found that the region with the lowest median latency (us-east1) was approximately 11 times faster than the region with the highest (asia-south2). You can make a copy of this sheet to view my results and run the test for yourself.

Source: Google Cloud Region Latency in Google Apps Script | Justin Poehnelt

Check comma separated email address is valid

Loop through a Google Sheet cell of comma-space separated email addresses and check their format is valid, otherwise display a user popup.

The following Google Apps Script is designed to loop through a Google Sheet cell of email addresses that have been separated by a comma and space. It then uses a regular expression (regex) to confirm the email address meets the correct formatting criteria.

This code was developed as a way of implementing additional checks when asking users to be precise in how exactly they enter multiple email addresses. So if they were to forget the space for instance it could alert them, before the rest of the code risked failing as whatever task it was designed to do.

Source: The Gift of Script: Check comma separated email address is valid

NEW AppSheet Admin Console in Public Preview! Key AppSheet licensing considerations for Admins


Image credit: Google

Workspace admins with the AppSheet service privilege now have visibility into the activities of their users, apps and licenses via the new AppSheet Admin Console

The Google AppSheet team recently announced the public preview of a new AppSheet Admin Console. The new Console gives Workspaces Admins greater visibility of AppSheet usage within their domain, including AppSheet Core users. The new Console is a big step forward in providing admins a centralized platform to monitor and manage AppSheet usage, licensing, and governance.

Key features include:

  • Insights into popular apps and top creators
  • Detailed app ownership and usage data
  • Comprehensive view of app users across the organization
  • Easy access to app sharing settings, performance, audit history, and version history
  • Exportable lists of accounts, users, apps, and licenses
  • User role management within the organization
  • Verification of AppSheet licenses (purchased, assigned, and used)
  • Access to usage monitoring data, even without an enterprise license

The linked announcement page also highlights some planned new features for the new Console include: historical app usage, individual app copy or transfer, self-serve provisioning, external user licensing, and a default organization model for new Workspace customers who purchase AppSheet Enterprise.

A key addition to the new Console is the AppSheet licensing summary. There are some important considerations Admins should start thinking about around AppSheet licenses, in particular, the creation or sharing of AppSheet apps with Enterprise features to unlicenced or Core users.

Previously under the legacy Team licensing model it was possible for an AppSheet Core user to create and share apps with AppSheet Enterprise features. As Google moves to an assigned model Admins will need to reconcile the required licenses for their domain. The good news is Google has said

“In the short team, no users will be blocked. Admins will be given several months advanced notice before stricter license enforcement.”

There is also more information on How AppSheet Enterprise Plus licenses are provisioned.

Source: AppSheet Admin Console in Public Preview!

Google Chat Apps: Publication experiences on the Google Workspace Marketplace

Image credit: Anton Shevchuk

It has finally happened! Bot Bender 2.0 is now available for installation from the Google Workspace Marketplace. In this post, I will walk you through the steps needed to get to the marketplace.

We’ve shared a couple of journeys to Google Workspace Marketplace publication but this is the first I’ve seen for publishing a Google Chat App. For people who have gone through the process it’s probably a familiar story of back and forth with the Marketplace review team.

In this post Anton Shevchuk shares how his Chat App received multiple rejects due to issues with the location of the support/privacy pages. The moral of the story is to be persistent, and don’t hesitate to push back if you believe the reviewers are mistaken. The post from Anton also outlines the other steps involved, including connecting the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK and configuring app visibility settings.

Source: Google Chat Bot. Publication on Google Workspace Marketplace

Google Workspace Developer News: Create and organize Docs with the new ‘tabs’ API methods and more

A slightly shorter Google Workspace Developer News episode this month from Chanel Greco (Google Workspace, DevRel). New features for developers include using the Google Docs API or Apps Script to create and organize documents with tabs. Google Meet Add-ons now have the ability to end collaborations programmatically. Google Chat apps have expanded card interface features, such as Material Design buttons and ChipList widgets.

Lastly, developers are encouraged to use Cloud Client Libraries when calling Chat API for improved efficiency. You can find out more about all these updates by following the source link.

Source: Create and organize Docs with tabs, more card interface features for Google Chat, and more!

Supercharge your Google Calendars: Solve the multi-calendar dilemma with SyncFreeBusy

Introduction Managing multiple calendars can be complex, particularly when it comes to accurately reflecting availability across different contexts—work, personal, and project-specific.

Use Cases

  • Multi-Calendar Management: Useful for managing both personal and work calendars, ensuring that colleagues or friends can see when you’re actually available.
  • Team Collaboration: Helps maintain clarity around availability in team environments.
  • Event Coordination: Assists in coordinating events across multiple calendars by providing a unified view of availability.

SyncFreeBusy is a handy solution published by Jasper Duizendstra designed to synchronize events between a primary and secondary Google Calendars. It can be used to provide a unified free/busy status across different calendars, preventing scheduling conflicts and reducing manual overhead.

The script works by fetching events from both calendars, creating corresponding “blocking events” in the other calendar to mark busy times, and periodically cleaning up obsolete events. The solution is achieved using Google Apps Script which can easily be setup to run on a timed trigger and also allows for easy customisation to your specific needs.

The script is available on GitHub for those interested in trying it out, just follow the source link below.

Source: SyncFreeBusy: Addressing Calendar Management Gaps

Kickstart Your Apps Script Projects with the Pinnacle of My Development — The Apps Script Engine

Welcome to the culmination of my Google Apps Script development journey — the Apps Script Engine. This isn’t just another template; it results from countless hours of refinement, driven by the passion to create the ultimate tool for Apps Script developers. Every ounce of my experience, every lesson learned, has been poured into building this robust, opinionated, yet highly configurable template. It’s designed to empower you to confidently and easily tackle even the most complex projects.

Developing Google Apps Script projects can be a pain, especially when dealing with modern JavaScript features like ES6 modules, the need for fast local development, and integrating NPM modules. The Apps Script Engine Template tackles these challenges head-on, offering:

  1. Seamless ES6 Modules Integration: Finally, you can use this missing JavaScript feature with Apps Script.
  2. Blazing Fast Local Development: Mock functions and promisified calls make local development a breeze.
  3. Front-End Framework Support: Includes Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS out of the box, with easy TypeScript integration.
  4. NPM Module Support: Integrate NPM modules into front-end and back-end code effortlessly.
  5. Automated Testing: Set up with Jest, so you can ensure your code works as expected.
  6. CI/CD Integration: Easy integration with tools like GitHub Actions and Cloud Build ensures smooth, automated deployments.
  7. Environment Management: Easily manage different environments (DEV, UAT, PROD) with specific configurations.

[Editor] This post from Dmitry Kostyuk introduces the Apps Script Engine, a template designed to streamline Google Apps Script development. It addresses common challenges by providing seamless integration of ES6 modules, fast local development, support for front-end frameworks and NPM modules, automated testing, CI/CD integration, and environment management.

The template simplifies the setup process, allowing developers to quickly create new projects. It offers a well-structured file system, including folders for compiled files, environment management tools, and source code.
Key features include the ability to use NPM modules in both client-side and server-side code, a custom Vite plugin for bundling, and Git hooks for automated formatting and testing. The template also facilitates environment management, making it easy to deploy code to different Google Apps Script projects.

For web apps, the template supports local development with a development server, and it provides a promisified version of for cleaner code even allowing the easy mocking of server-side functions for realistic testing. The template also allows you to build scripts for different environments and even supports deploying libraries to NPM.

This is an incredibly impressive piece of work and Dmitry is encouraging contributions: “Your feedback, fresh ideas, and contributions are not just welcome — they’re what will make this tool even better. Let’s push the boundaries of what we can achieve with Google Apps Script together!”

Source: Kickstart Your Apps Script Projects with the Pinnacle of My Development — The Apps Script Engine