
New Advanced Google Workspace Events service for Google Apps Script

To subscribe to events using Apps Script, you can now use the Advanced Google Workspace Events service.

In the May 02, 2024 Google Apps Script release notes it was announced that a new Advanced Google Workspace Events service is available to let developers use the Google Workspace Events API directly in Google Apps Script. The Google Workspace Events API is a relatively new API, which was released to developer preview in January, 2024. The Google Workspace Events API uses a subscription model to handle resource changes. When you create a subscription, you specify the target resource (such as a Google Chat space or Google Meet meeting space) and the event types that you want to subscribe to. The API then sends notifications to your specified endpoint whenever an event occurs for that resource and event type.

In the case of the new Advanced Google Workspace Events service the linked documentation includes samples for using the new service with Google Chat. It’s worth noting that the Advanced Google Workspace Events service is designed specifically on managing subscriptions to events. While it lets you to control the flow of information and manage event subscriptions in your Apps Script projects, the actual processing and handling of event data occurs separately.

The linked documentation page provides sample code as well as outlines all the prerequisites.

Source: Advanced Google Workspace Events Service

Google Meet API is available in Developer Preview


Image credit: Google

We’re happy to announce that the Google Meet API is now available for the members of the Developer Preview Program.

Google recently announced new Google Meet API capabilities are now available via the Google Workspace Developer Preview Program:

Launching through our Google Workspace Developer Preview Program, you can now use the Google Meet API. Specifically, among other things, you’ll be able to:

  • Programmatically create and configure Meet calls.
  • Retrieve meeting metadata, such as the meeting times and attendees.
  • Access meeting artifacts, such as transcripts and video recordings.
  • Subscribe to real time updates on meetings, such as when a participant joins or leaves.

The new API open the potential to both customise and get records from Google Meets. The source link provides an overview of the API and methods.

Source: Google Meet API overview  |  Google for Developers

Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional Meet or Zoom

Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional video conferencing (Google Meet or Zoom) all from a Google Sheet.

Google Sheet columns allow for event details to be added

Google Sheet columns allow for event details to be added

Features of the tool

  • Performs an initial check that you have access to the provided Calendar to create events on.
  • Allows for events to be created on another Calendar that you have suitable access to (not just your own).
  • Uses toast popups to inform you of the progress as each creates each event per row.
  • Fast and efficient for creating a large number of events in one go.
  • Will not duplicate events if re-run, so you can continue to append further if you wish.
  • Provides a direct link to the created event from within the Google Sheet for easy access.
  • Performs a check of any missing ‘required’ information and informs the user via a popup so they can resolve this.
  • Includes ‘Log’ sheet to help output any error messages.
  • Has a ‘Reset’ option in the menu bar to remove all entered data and start from scratch.
  • Replicates 90%+ of the settings you can adjust when directly creating an event in Google Calendar.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional Meet or Zoom – overview

Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional Google Meet from a Google Sheet

Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional video conferencing (Google Meet) all from a Google Sheet.

Google Sheet columns allow for event details to be added

Google Sheet columns allow for event details to be added

Features of the tool

  • Performs an initial check that you have access to the provided Calendar to create events on.
  • Allows for events to be created on another Calendar that you have suitable access to (not just your own).
  • Uses toast popups to inform you of the progress as each creates each event per row.
  • Fast and efficient for creating a large number of events in one go.
  • Will not duplicate events if re-run, so you can continue to append further if you wish.
  • Provides a direct link to the created event from within the Google Sheet for easy access.
  • Performs a check of any missing ‘required’ information and informs the user via a popup so they can resolve this.
  • Includes ‘Log’ sheet to help output any error messages.
  • Has a ‘Reset’ option in the menu bar to remove all entered data and start from scratch.
  • Replicates 90%+ of the settings you can adjust when directly creating an event in Google Calendar.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional Google Meet

Quickstart: Check student attendance in Google Meet from a Google Classroom roster using Google Apps Script

Complete the steps on this page to create a Google Sheets add-on that tracks attendance for Google Classroom courses delivered using Google Meet conferencing.

Nice spot via @barrielroberts/@alicekeeler for an official Google Apps Script quickstart which combines Google Sheets, Google Classroom and Admin Reports which lets you create an automated Google Meets attendance roster tool. The quickstart has all the code and instructions you need to get this working.

Source: Quickstart: Check student attendance in Google Meet courses

Using Google Apps Script to schedule Google Meets for a Virtual Parents’ Evening Assistant

If your school is considering conducting an online ‘Virtual Parents’ Evening’ due to covid restrictions, this project might save your staff time. The Google Sheet (make a copy at ) uses Google Apps Scripts to automatically create a Calendar event (in your default Calendar), create a Meet link as part of the event, paste the Meet link back into the Sheet and create a draft email to the parent containing the Meet link and time/date.

A simple and effective solution from Luke Craig to help you manage virtual parents evenings … and more. In particular useful to see how you can add Google Meet video calls to you calendar invites. The video description also includes a link to the source code on Github.