
Bringing JSON Data from an API into Looker Studio with Google Apps Script

Learn how to seamlessly integrate JSON data from an API into Looker Studio using a custom connector built with Google Apps Script.

This post is a useful reminder of that Google Apps Script can be used to make a data connector for Google online visualisation and reporting tool, Looker Studio. The post by Dimitris Paxinos covers all you need to know about integrating a third-party API as a data source, exposing configuration settings and deploying the connector. All the code is on Github and is a great boilerplate if you have other APIs you are interested in integrating.

Source: Bringing JSON Data from an API into Looker Studio

Connecting ‘Tweet counts’ (or other APIs) to Data Studio using a Community Connector

A community connector with overridable config parameters to track recent Twitter trends for a query.

For the most part this connector is pretty similar to the one I’d created for visualising global stats of SendGrid user’s email statistics but with a key difference of making use of overridable config parameters — this is what gives the connector the capability to accept a query from the report directly and return/visualize the data based on a user’s input

This post from Sourabh Choraria is a useful reminder of what is possible with Data Studio Community Connectors, in this case connecting to the Twitter API v2 to visualise the tweet count for a defined search term.

The code for this connector is available from the source post and includes lots of inline comments to help you work out what is going on making it easy to modify if you have other APIs you would like to connect.

Source: Connecting ‘Tweet counts’ API to Data Studio using a Community Connector

Create personal stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets and Google Data Studio

Image credit: All Stacks Developer

The idea is to take advantage of what Google Sheets and Google Data Studio offer and pull them together to build a personal stock portfolio tracker.

This post provides an insight into how you can maximise the combination of Google Sheets, Data Studio and Apps Script to create powerful dashboards. The source link provides an overview of the solution and if you are interested in finding out more about how this solution works visit LION stock portfolio tracker guide (from there you can make a copy of the demo and see the code).  

Source: Create personal stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets and Google Data Studio

Using community connectors to go beyond filter by email in Data Studio –

This article discusses row-level security in Google Data Studio and shows how community connectors can be used to overcome the limitations of the native feature when accessing data stored in Google Sheets.

I don’t think one of our summaries could ever do justice to this contribution from Pablo Felip. The post has a very thorough summary of row-level security and how Community Connectors coded in Apps Script can be used for additional levels of functionality.

Source: Using community connectors to go beyond filter by email in Data Studio –