
Google Chat Apps: Publication experiences on the Google Workspace Marketplace

Image credit: Anton Shevchuk

It has finally happened! Bot Bender 2.0 is now available for installation from the Google Workspace Marketplace. In this post, I will walk you through the steps needed to get to the marketplace.

We’ve shared a couple of journeys to Google Workspace Marketplace publication but this is the first I’ve seen for publishing a Google Chat App. For people who have gone through the process it’s probably a familiar story of back and forth with the Marketplace review team.

In this post Anton Shevchuk shares how his Chat App received multiple rejects due to issues with the location of the support/privacy pages. The moral of the story is to be persistent, and don’t hesitate to push back if you believe the reviewers are mistaken. The post from Anton also outlines the other steps involved, including connecting the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK and configuring app visibility settings.

Source: Google Chat Bot. Publication on Google Workspace Marketplace

Kickstart Your Apps Script Projects with the Pinnacle of My Development — The Apps Script Engine

Welcome to the culmination of my Google Apps Script development journey — the Apps Script Engine. This isn’t just another template; it results from countless hours of refinement, driven by the passion to create the ultimate tool for Apps Script developers. Every ounce of my experience, every lesson learned, has been poured into building this robust, opinionated, yet highly configurable template. It’s designed to empower you to confidently and easily tackle even the most complex projects.

Developing Google Apps Script projects can be a pain, especially when dealing with modern JavaScript features like ES6 modules, the need for fast local development, and integrating NPM modules. The Apps Script Engine Template tackles these challenges head-on, offering:

  1. Seamless ES6 Modules Integration: Finally, you can use this missing JavaScript feature with Apps Script.
  2. Blazing Fast Local Development: Mock functions and promisified calls make local development a breeze.
  3. Front-End Framework Support: Includes Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS out of the box, with easy TypeScript integration.
  4. NPM Module Support: Integrate NPM modules into front-end and back-end code effortlessly.
  5. Automated Testing: Set up with Jest, so you can ensure your code works as expected.
  6. CI/CD Integration: Easy integration with tools like GitHub Actions and Cloud Build ensures smooth, automated deployments.
  7. Environment Management: Easily manage different environments (DEV, UAT, PROD) with specific configurations.

[Editor] This post from Dmitry Kostyuk introduces the Apps Script Engine, a template designed to streamline Google Apps Script development. It addresses common challenges by providing seamless integration of ES6 modules, fast local development, support for front-end frameworks and NPM modules, automated testing, CI/CD integration, and environment management.

The template simplifies the setup process, allowing developers to quickly create new projects. It offers a well-structured file system, including folders for compiled files, environment management tools, and source code.
Key features include the ability to use NPM modules in both client-side and server-side code, a custom Vite plugin for bundling, and Git hooks for automated formatting and testing. The template also facilitates environment management, making it easy to deploy code to different Google Apps Script projects.

For web apps, the template supports local development with a development server, and it provides a promisified version of for cleaner code even allowing the easy mocking of server-side functions for realistic testing. The template also allows you to build scripts for different environments and even supports deploying libraries to NPM.

This is an incredibly impressive piece of work and Dmitry is encouraging contributions: “Your feedback, fresh ideas, and contributions are not just welcome — they’re what will make this tool even better. Let’s push the boundaries of what we can achieve with Google Apps Script together!”

Source: Kickstart Your Apps Script Projects with the Pinnacle of My Development — The Apps Script Engine

Collaborative Apps Script Development with GenAI code assistance in Google Project IDX

Project IDX allows you to use all your favourite IDE extensions and themes, but also offers AI assistance through tools like Gemini Code Assist. It also has one-click integration to many Google products such as Firebase Hosting or deploying your app to Cloud Run. A really handy feature of IDX is the ability to share a workspace with a colleague so you can collaborate and develop together in real time! …

This guide will demonstrate how to develop your Apps script code from within Project IDX, and we will even touch on how to enable Google’s AI Code Assistant to get extra help when writing your App scripts.

The current Apps Script integrated development environment (IDE) has several limitations that can hinder collaboration and productivity. One significant limitation is the lack of real-time collaboration. Multiple users cannot simultaneously edit the same script, making it challenging for teams to work together on projects. This can lead to version control issues and conflicts, especially when multiple developers are making changes concurrently.

Project IDX is an experimental cloud-based IDE developed by Google. IDX is designed to make it easier to create, edit and deploy applications eliminating the tasks of configuring development environments for yourself and your team. For Google Workspace developers already doing local code development using VS Code the interface will be familiar as IDX is also built on Code OSS.

As well as being cloud-based IDX has some useful features built-in including GitHub import, extension and a Gemini code assistant. In addition to real-time collaboration (still highly experimental), IDX features a Gemini-powered code assistant with both a suggestion tool and a sidebar chat agent for code where you can discuss your code and get additional help.

This guide by Josh McMurdo demonstrates how you can set up IDX to develop Google Apps Script projects, including the installation of the clasp command line tool to push/pull code to Apps Script projects. As IDX is able to import existing GitHub repositories if you’ve not done local Apps Script development before I recommend Amit Agarwal’s Google Apps Script Starter kit, which can be cloned in IDX from

Once cloned IDX will automatically run the npm install to add all the dependencies. To switch to your own GitHub repository, create a new repo then in the terminal run the following command replacing YOUR_ACCOUNT and YOUR_REPO:

git remote set-url origin

One other note on Josh’s post you don’t need the Add Gemini API step. IDX comes with Gemini code assist enabled, the Add Gemini API step is only required if you want to use Gemini in your Apps Script solution.

A reminder that Google states “Project IDX is in beta. Project IDX is likely to change and is not subject to any service level agreement (SLA) or deprecation policy. The implementation is subject to change without notice and in future releases. Use caution before proceeding to use IDX in a production environment.” IDX also can’t run Apps Script code so you’ll need to use clasp to push back into your Apps Script project and debug there.

Follow the link to Josh’s post to read more…

Source: Using Project IDX to write Google Apps Script

How to use Google Apps Script to automate your Gmail out-of-office message

As a Developer Advocate for Google Workspace, I live and breathe productivity tools. But even the most tech-savvy among us can have frustratingly simple oversights. My recurring pain point? Forgetting to turn on my Gmail vacation responder to automatically notify people of my absence before heading out of office.

Google Workspace Developer Advocate, Chanel Greco, has shared a clever solution to automate their Gmail out-of-office notification using Google Apps Script. Faced with the recurring problem of forgetting to set up the out-of-office notification, Chanel crafted a script that does the job based on Google Calendar events marked as ‘outOfOffice’.

Chanel’s project not only solves a personal problem but also demonstrates the benefits of Google Apps Script for task customization and productivity. By harnessing the power of Workspace APIs, you can create innovative solutions to automate routine tasks and streamline workflows.

Follow the source link to read more…

Source: How I Used Apps Script to Never Forget My Gmail Vacation Responder Again

Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 7: Contributing

Open-source made me a better developer, and can do the same for you.


This is our final stretch! We’ve navigated through building an Apps Script library, and now it’s time to discuss how you can contribute. Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ll cover:

  1. GitHub Flow: Learn to fork the repository, create a feature branch, and make a pull request.
  2. Guidelines: Tips on ensuring your pull request gets accepted.
  3. Code of Conduct: We won’t delve into this, as respectful behavior is the default expectation.
  4. License: Our library uses the MIT License, which is pretty much the one that lets you do anything you want with the code.
  5. Issues: I will post issues that I consider a priority, but feel free to tackle any of them.
  6. Process: Follow the steps outlined in our file.

As a reminder, here are the links to the repo and the NPM page.

But first, let’s talk about what you should do before you open a pull request.

Source: Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 7: Contributing

Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 6: Deploying on NPM

Everyone says use Google Apps Script libraries for easier maintenance — I found a better way. Here’s why NPM modules might change the game for you too.

Last time, we covered how to deploy our library as a native Google Apps Script (GAS) library using Vite, GitHub Actions, and clasp. This setup is efficient, but there’s a notable drawback to using Apps Script libraries.

According to the official guide: Warning: A script that uses a library doesn’t run as quickly as it would if all the code were contained within a single script project. Although libraries can make development and maintenance more convenient, use them sparingly in projects where speed is critical. Because of this issue, library use should be limited in add-ons.”

Apps Script is not known for its speed, being a free runtime. Slowing it down further by using native GAS libraries is generally not advisable. Therefore, I prefer to avoid native GAS libraries whenever possible.

Instead, it’s much more efficient to bundle your dependencies directly into your source code, similar to how it’s done in Node.js. This is where NPM modules and Vite come into play.

In this post, we’ll cover:

  • Which NPM modules are compatible with Google Apps Script and which ones are not.
  • How to use NPM modules in your Apps Script projects.
  • How to build and publish a module on NPM.

Let’s start with compatibility.

Source: Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 6: Deploying on NPM

Google Forms automation with AppSheet, automatic emails and reminder with ease

Power of Google Forms with Power of AppSheet make Forms automation super easy and efficient.

Following our TU Special on building AppSheet automations using the new Google Forms integration, Stéphane Giron shared a Medium post detailing a couple of example use cases. In the post, Stéphane shares some intermediate examples that go beyond the basics, with the potential for conditional routing and advanced automations.

If your automations are not being triggered by Google Form submissions, Pablo Felip’s tip is it could be because your Google Workspace Admin has turned on AppSheet Core Security.

Source: Google Forms automation with AppSheet, automatic emails and reminder with ease

Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 5: Deploying as a Native Apps Script Library

Forget everything you know about deploying Google Apps Script, because the typical ‘Deploy’ button is not part of our strategy.


In the previous posts in this series, we focused on preparing our tools and setting the stage. We reviewed our project’s functionality, explored the project structure, and delved into the source code. We also discussed the pros and cons of using JSDoc versus TypeScript and covered essential developer tooling.

Today, we’re finally getting to the fun part—deploying something! We’ll start by deploying our library as a native Google Apps Script library. But there’s a twist: we will do it the proper CI/CD way, avoiding the typical “Deploy” button in the online IDE.

Side note: I always avoid the online IDE as it feels like my hands are tied when I use it.

Instead, we’ll use Vite with a custom plugin to bundle our library and GitHub Actions to handle the deployment.

Here are the links to the repo and the NPM page.

Let’s get started by bundling our code.

Source: Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 5: Deploying as a Native Apps Script Library

Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 4: Essential Developer Tooling



In this series about deploying Google Apps Script libraries, Part 2 dove deep into Test-Driven Development (TDD) and highlighted jest as my go-to tool for outstanding outcomes. Now, let’s broaden our toolkit with additional essentials that not only elevate our development standards but also make our codebase more welcoming to collaborators.

First up, we’ve got ESLint. Linting, for those unfamiliar, is the process of running a program that will check your code for potential errors.

Next, we introduce Prettier, which takes our code and formats it into a structured style that you define. Think of Prettier as the stylist of your codebase, making sure everything looks ‘pretty’ and readable by cleaning up those messy or inconsistent styles left behind.

We also employ Husky, a tool for managing git hooks. Git hooks are scripts you can set to run before or after events like commits, push, and receive. Husky ensures that tools like ESLint, Prettier and Jest run every time you commit changes, helping catch issues before they hit production.

These tools are indispensable not just for solo developers but also for teams looking to contribute to the library. By maintaining consistent, pre-defined high standards of code hygiene, we ensure that our library remains robust, clean, and maintainable.

Prerequisites: You should be familiar with git, an essential skill for any developer. If you’re not, I recommend checking out the beginner’s guide at FreeCodeCamp. Additionally, being able to code locally and understanding clasp is crucial. If you need a refresher on this, visit my earlier post on setting up your local environment. Once you’re set, we can dive into making our development process even smoother and more efficient!

Here are the links to the repo and the NPM page again.

Source: Deploying an Apps Script Library Part 4: Essential Developer Tooling