
How to easily add the same Custom Menu to Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms with Google Apps Script

Use Google Apps Script to create a custom menu that will work inside Google Sheets, Google Docs, Slides and Google Forms.

Tired of writing separate code for custom menus in Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms? This nifty Google Apps Script snippet by Amit Agarwal helps you build a universal menu that works across all these apps!

The solution is a small snippet which detects the context to see which of DocumentApp, SpreadsheetApp, FormApp, SlidesApp are available which then lets you switch to get the appropriate .getUI() method.

Check out the source post for the full code and streamline your add-on development!

Source: How to Add a Universal Custom Menu to Multiple Google Workspace Apps – Digital Inspiration

Boost your presentations with AI: A Google Apps Script tutorial for a Google Slides reviewer assistant

The Slides Advisor project is an open source, Google Workspace Add-On that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to review and give feedback on your presentations, whenever you need it. The project uses Google’s Gemini API image and text processing features to analyze your Google Slides against a set of guidelines and lets you know how you are doing against those guidelines. Even better, you can customize those guidelines to follow your organization’s recommendations, or remind you to improve your presentations based on rules you define for yourself.

We’ve all been there: scrambling to cram too much information onto a single slide. But what if you had an AI assistant to give your presentations a once-over?

The Slides Advisor is a free, open-source Google Workspace Add-on for Google Slides that uses the power of AI to analyze your presentations. It checks your slides against customisable guidelines, helping you ensure they’re clear, concise, and visually appealing.

Everything you need to get started is covered in the source post by Joe Fernandez and Steve Bazyl. One of the highlights for me is seeing how you can setup a service account to access the Gemini AI API with Google Apps Script. The post also covers how you can modify the prompt you use to get different responses from Gemini.

Source: Build an AI Slides Reviewer with Gemini  |  Google AI for Developers

New Smart Chips (including AppSheet apps) plus third-party @menu resources in the Google Workspace Editors 

There have been a number of recent updates and announcements around Smart Chips and other integrations to Google Docs, as well as Sheets and Slides. Some have just gone into the Google Workspace Developer Preview Program (DPP), whilst in the case of AppSheet smart chips for Google Docs they are generally available!

AppSheet smart chips for Google Docs

Starting with AppSheet smart chips for Google Docs if you already had the AppSheet Google Docs add-on installed you already have AppSheet smart chips enabled. More details including a link to the Workspace Marketplace Add-on are included in the related Workspace Updates post. The AppSheet smart chips are great way to integrate some of your app functionality in your Google Docs.

Preview links with smart chips in Sheets and Slides

We’ve had custom smart chip link previews for Google Docs for some time, but Google have recently added the same functionality to Sheets and Slides. If you have already developed link previews for Google Docs the good news is there isn’t much more you need to do to enable these for Sheets and Slides (mostly updating your manifest). More details are included on the updated Preview links with smart chips documentation page.

Create third-party resources from the @ menu

Finally, also gone into preview is third-party resource integration which you can use to “let users quickly create resources, such as tasks, support cases, or issues, in your service right from Google Docs. The new resource is then inserted into Google Docs as a smart chip.”. You can read more in the create third-party resources from the @ menu documentation page.

In the case of the preview features a reminder that this is your opportunity to test and give feedback to Google. Links to join and provide feedback are included in the Google Workspace Developer Preview page. Enjoy!

Retrieve comments with emoji reactions from Google Docs, Google Slides and Google Sheet using Google Apps Script

This report introduces the method for retrieving the Emoji reactions from the comments in Google Docs files (Google Documents, Google Slides, and Google Spreadsheets) using Google Apps Script.

Here’s a clever workaround by Kanshi Tanaike for retrieving comments with emoji reactions in Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets using Google Apps Script. The process to achieve this is a little convoluted in that Google Docs, Slides and Sheets are exported in Microsoft equivalent formats, then re-imported into Google formats. To remove some of the pain the post includes sample code snippets for achieving this, which can easily be adapted.

Source: Retrieve Comments with Emoji Reactions from Google Documents, Google Slides, and Google Spreadsheets using Google Apps Script

How to extract images from Google Docs and Google Slides using Google Apps Script

Learn how extract all the embedded images from a Google Document or Google Slides presentation and save them as individual files in a specified folder in your Google Drive.

Often I’ll use Google Docs for drafting blog posts. With the introduction of Duet AI having a generative assistant in situ helps with the creative process. As well as text Google Docs is a really simple canvas for quickly copy/pasting screenshots. Copying content from Google Docs to WYSIWYG editors can sometimes be challenging, particularly, when it comes to images.

Next time I encounter this problem I’ll be using the script solution from Amit Agarwal, which can extract images from Google Docs and Slides and save them to Google Drive. I’m sure there are many other situations where this snippet could come in handy.

Source: How to Extract Images from Google Docs and Google Slides – Digital Inspiration

Easily merge data from Google Sheets into Google Docs and Slides with the TemplateApp Google Apps Script

This report introduces the method for easily processing the template of Google Documents and Google Slides using Google Spreadsheet as a database using Google Apps Script. Google Spreadsheet is used as a database. Google Documents and Google Slides are used as templates. The simple method for creating new Google Documents and Google Slides using the database and the templates is introduced.

Latest Apps Script magic from Kanshi Tanaike, this time they turn their addition to an easy way to use data from Google Sheets as a ‘document merge’ for templates created in Google Docs and Google Slides. This is achieved by using the TemplateApp Apps Script library, which has lots of useful features including simply methods for sheetRangeToDocuments() as well as the ability to embeded and fixed width images from placeholders. There are some llimitations documented in the GitHub repo, as well as examples for all the methods available in the library.

[In other ‘merge’ news Google have announced that you can now use Google Sheets with Google official mail merge in Gmail]


Source: Easily Processing Templates of Google Documents and Google Slides using Google Spreadsheet with Google Apps Script

BAS#005 | Create a Google Slides presentation handout in Google Docs with Apps Script

Generate summary documents of your Google Presentations with thumbnails and speaker notes using Apps Script. In this BAS you will learn how to generate a summary text document with the thumbnails and notes obtained from the slides from a Google presentation. For this we will use the Apps Script services of Documents (mainly) and Presentations. Plus, you’ll do it efficiently thanks to the awesome UrlFetchApp.fetchAll() method.

If you don’t speak/read Spanish you’ll have to hit Google Translate to read this latest contribution from Pablo Felip. As described by Pablo: “Apps Script Basics (Básicos Apps Script – BAS, in Spanish) is a series of posts targeted to newcomers to Google Apps Script. Each BAS solves a simple, real-world problem, provides a thorough step-by-step break-down of the source code suitable for people who are learning how to leverage this platform and introduces key Apps Script patterns.”. This particular ‘Básicos Apps Script’ includes some useful information on building tables in Google Docs which could be useful in other contexts like generating reports.

Source: BAS#005 | Generating a presentation summary document with Apps Script

Create and run polls in Google Slides using Google Forms and Google Sheets

Image credit: Prateek Sharma

I wanted to give a presentation to a group of people. In order to make the presentation more engaging & eliminate silences during the slideshow, I thought of conducting polls in between. … Since I am giving presentation using Google tools, I thought let’s try it out with Google Apps Script.

I thought this was a nice little Apps Script snippet from Prateek Sharma which hooks into a .onFormSubmit() trigger to update all charts embedded from Google Sheets in a Google Slides presentation. Prateek provides detailed steps including the code for setting this up. Unfortunately, a limitation of Google Slides is once you go into ‘slideshow’ mode all charts become static images so you need to jump back to the editor view to show real-time results.

Source: Create and Run Polls in Google Slides using Google Forms & Google Sheets

How to Create Dynamic Open Graph Images with Google Sheets [and Google Apps Script] – Digital Inspiration

Generate dynamic Open Graph images for your website with Google Sheets without requiring Puppeteer. All pages on your website can have their own unique Open Graph images created from a Google Slides template.

As explained by Amit Agarwal Open Graph images are included as a feature image on social media sites when the link is shared. You can use static images but some sites like Github dynamically create an image that includes additional information.

For example, if you were to share the link to the Google Workspace Solutions Github repo on Twitter an image is automictically displayed containing information like the number of contributors, issues, stars and forks:

Google Solutions - Open Graph from Github

To generate these images often a headless browser solution like Puppeteer is used. In this example from Amit he shows how a Google Slides template and a little Google Apps Script can be used to batch create similar open graph images.

Source: How to Create Dynamic Open Graph Images with Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

Creating Colorful Buttons on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script

This is a sample script for creating the colorful buttons on Google Spreadsheet on Google Apps Script.

There are some interesting features in this script example, combining the use of Google Slides to create buttons and then assigning a script function to the result using the .assignScript() method.

Source: Creating Colorful Buttons on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script