
How to create slot booking system using Google Apps Script and Google Calendar

Google Apps Scripts is incredibly powerful and enables complex systems to be built on top of Google Apps. It can be a great choice when you need to quickly prototype an idea or design a solution that’s customizable by non-technical users.

In this article, I will walk through a simple example of building a “Slot Booking System” using Google Sheets, Google Calendar, HTML, Tailwind CSS and Google Apps Script.

Nice little Apps Script project shared in this post using Google Calendar and a published web app, making it possibly a nice starter project for something bigger.

Source: How to create slot booking system using Google Apps Script and Google Calendar

Google Apps Script library for parsing HTML form objects and adding the values to a Google Sheet

This is a Google Apps Script library for parsing the form object from HTML form and appending the submitted values to the Spreadsheet.

A common Google Apps Script use case is taking data from a webform and adding it to a Google Sheet. This can sometimes be quite painful has you have to handle the various input types and also write the data to the correct columns. The HtmlFormApp library makes this very straight forward and to illustrate once the library is added to your Apps Script project you can start appending data in a couple of lines of code:

// These are all options.
const obj = {
   formData: formData,
   spreadsheetId: "###",
   sheetName: "###",
   sheetId: "###",
   folderId: "###",
   headerConversion: {"header value of Spreadsheet": "name of HTML input tag",,,},
   ignoreHeader: true,
   choiceFormat: true,
   delimiterOfMultipleAnswers: "\n",
   valueAsRaw: true
const res = HtmlFormApp.appendFormData(obj);

Click through to the source link for more details 👇

Source: GitHub – tanaikech/HtmlFormApp: This is a Google Apps Script library for parsing the form object from HTML form and appending the submitted values to the Spreadsheet.

[Fixed] Google Apps Script Web App HTML form file-input fields not in blob compatible format

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

HTML form file-input fields are not converted to compatible blob format when submitted. They are left in application/octet-stream format. The file-input fields are passed as application/octet-stream, so DriveApp.createFile(formBlob) does not work correctly … So the functionality provided by HtmlService is not consistent with the documentation

There was an annoying little Google Apps Script issue which meant when handling file uploads to published Web Apps some additional coding was required rather than just sending the file blob server side. Thankfully the open issue ticket for this has recently been marked and confirmed fixed.

Source: HTML form file-input fields not in blob compatible format

Letting users run a Google Apps Script on Google Sheets without authorizing scopes and showing the source code

This is a sample workaround for letting users running Google Apps Script on Google Spreadsheet without both authorizing the scopes and showing the script.

The post highlights the use of the existing =IMPORTML() Google Sheets function and a publish webapp to run a Google Apps Script without the end user having to authorize the script. A limitation of this approach, and also important warning to keep in mind, is the deployed web app needs to be deployed to run as the script owner and by anyone who has the web app link.

Source: Letting Users Running Google Apps Script on Google Spreadsheet without both Authorizing Scopes and Showing Script

Keep a Journal of Special Moments using Twilio Programmable SMS and Google Sheets

Learn how to build a Google Sheet journal that accepts new entries via text message. My toddler recently turned two and a half and my second daughter was born three weeks ago, so special moments are abundant but the ability to remember them is severely compromised. His suggestion of recording a memory every day in an Excel sheet or leather bound journal resonated with me, but after a few days of trying to find time to open up Excel and write a memory I realized I needed a more lightweight solution. … Twilio makes it easy and cheap to set up a dedicated phone number that can record those text messages to a Google sheet.

Nice example on the Twilio blog on using their service with Google Sheets. There is little setup required but this can all be achieved in 4 lines of code. Unfortunately, sending/receiving SMS messages with Twilio is not free, but it might be a service you keep in mind for Apps Script projects.

Source: Keep a Journal of Special Moments using Twilio Programmable SMS and Google Sheets

Creating a web app with Google Sheets

A wonderful set of video tutorials showing you how to set up a web app and connecting it to a Google Sheet. It starts off with a simple form and covers areas like getting data from a sheet and sending it back and using Materialize CSS for to easily create a good looking app. Plus, it also looks at connecting a Google Calendar to the app and how to create multiple pages in the web app.

Using Google Apps Script as a Webhook

Google Apps Script projects can be published as web apps …. This is helpful if you’re building a tool with a simple UI (using HTMLService), but they can also be used as webhooks to do work within a user account.

Google provides the option of service accounts, so why use webhooks?

For my project, it was because I needed to send calendar invites to other people. Service accounts are generally the way to handle those kinds of jobs, but it needed to have full account delegation, which means it can act on behalf of any user in the domain. That wasn’t an option in this case, so a webhook became the next best option.

Brian Bennett highlights the benefits of using ContentService and Web Apps as a way to let you interface other services.

Source: Using Google Apps Script as a Webhook

How to Validate Specific Users on a Web App in Google Apps Scripts – Yagisanatode

Learn how to validate specific users on a Web App, Google Workspace sidebar or dialogue box with Google Apps Scripts. In this tutorial, we will explore how to validate selected users to provide access to your web app. For our example, we validate users based on whether or not they have edit access to a Google Drive file ( a common occurrence). In the discussion, we will also look at alternative ways of validating emails.

Interesting solution for access control to a Apps Script web app by using a Google Doc share permissions as a proxy. The post contains all the code you need and a discussion of other approaches.

Source: How to Validate Specific Users on a Web App in Google Apps Scripts – Yagisanatode

Tracking Google Sheet Opens with Google Apps Script

The basic principle behind tracking Google Sheet opens is the same as the one behind email tracking with a transparent pixel. In a Google Sheet, we will use the IMAGE()function, which will call a deployed Google Apps Script web app URL with some parameters in the query string. The web app will be able to do whatever you need among the following: record to a spreadsheet, create a message via a messenger, or simply send an email.

Source: Tracking Google Sheet Opens with Google Apps Script

XPath Tester using Web Apps Created by Google Apps Script (working with existing Google Sheets functions in Apps Script)

In this post, I would like to introduce the xpath tester using Web Apps created by Google Apps Script.

This is an interesting little Apps Script solution from Kanshi Tanaike which uses the existing Google Sheets =IMPORTXML() in a Google Apps Script  Web App to test an XPath. As there is a delay in loading some Google Sheets function results this post includes a nice little coding pattern using a do...while loop to wait for results to render.

Source: XPath Tester using Web Apps Created by Google Apps Script