
Keep a Journal of Special Moments using Twilio Programmable SMS and Google Sheets

Learn how to build a Google Sheet journal that accepts new entries via text message. My toddler recently turned two and a half and my second daughter was born three weeks ago, so special moments are abundant but the ability to remember them is severely compromised. His suggestion of recording a memory every day in an Excel sheet or leather bound journal resonated with me, but after a few days of trying to find time to open up Excel and write a memory I realized I needed a more lightweight solution. … Twilio makes it easy and cheap to set up a dedicated phone number that can record those text messages to a Google sheet.

Nice example on the Twilio blog on using their service with Google Sheets. There is little setup required but this can all be achieved in 4 lines of code. Unfortunately, sending/receiving SMS messages with Twilio is not free, but it might be a service you keep in mind for Apps Script projects.

Source: Keep a Journal of Special Moments using Twilio Programmable SMS and Google Sheets

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