
Synchronous Class Dashboard with Apps Script – a personalized online interactive classroom

Andy Rundquist has created (and released as open source!) a synchronous class dashboard built entirely out of Apps Script.

As my school went mostly online last spring, I started collecting my thoughts about what I really wish I had for an online platform to work with my students. I quickly realized that my dream of all videos on and fully interactive students 1) wasn’t as good as I thought, and 2) didn’t happen because many students couldn’t or wouldn’t make use of video. I began to realize that video is the dominant feature in things like Zoom and Google Meets. It gobbles up nearly all of the screen space and is responsible for nearly all the bandwidth. So I started to consider what I might be able to do if I just stopped using video.

So I set out looking for ways to build in collaborative tools like whiteboards and understanding checks that would make better use of screen space. This is the result.

Andy’s full project is on GitHub is worth checking out.

When the Best Google Sheet is the One You Don’t Make

How to build a more perfect workflow for data updates and changes by coding in Apps Script between the Sheets

Thought provoking post by Max Brawer exploring the utility and fragility of using spreadsheets as part of a decision making processes and how Apps Script can be used to overcome some of these shortcomings.

Source: When the Best Google Sheet is the One You Don’t Make

Deploy easily with the new Google Apps Script IDE

A week ago Google announced the availability of an improved code editor for Google Apps Script. … In this article, I’ll focus on the changes related to Versions and Deployments in Apps Script.

Post from Romain Vialard unpicking deployments with the new Apps Script IDE. Romain highlights lots of very useful tips and things to be aware of when deploying Apps Script projects, in particular:

For existing scripts, deploying from the new IDE will create a new deployment with a different url for your web app

Source: Deploy easily with the new Google Apps Script IDE

Creating an embedded interactive Chain Story app with Google Apps Script and Google Sheets – Yagisanatode

In this tutorial, we are going to create an interactive story chain app that we can embed into a Google Site or your own site like WordPress.

Yagi uses a simple but very effective interactive story chain app to explore and explain some very powerful Apps Script functionality all developers should know about. This includes using the LockService which can be used to prevent concurrent access to sections of code. Yagi also highlights some recent discussions around the limitations of Web Apps and concurrent users. Click through to the source for all this and more.

Source: Creating an embedded interactive Chain Story app with Google Apps Script and Google Sheets – Yagisanatode

Getting started with the Google Vision API from G Suite | Google Cloud Blog

The Google Cloud Vision API is a powerful tool that helps developers build apps with visual detection features, including image labelling, face and landmark detection, and optical character recognition (OCR). Getting started building with these services is relatively simple with Apps Script, as it uses simple REST calls to interact with the API directly, eliminating the need to set up SDKs or to download client libraries.

In this post Christian Schalk, Google Cloud Developer Advocate, provides details for setting up a Google Apps Script project with the Google Vision API, using this service to perform optical character recognition on a user selected image.

Source: Getting started with the Google Vision API from G Suite | Google Cloud Blog

Google doc as rest api using Apps Script

After a fight with wordpress, I said to myself: Can I use google doc as content management? .. Join me in this attempt

A simple yet elegant approach to using Google Docs to manage structured content using Google Apps Script.

Source: Google doc as rest api using Apps Script

Moving Card Game using Google Sheets & Apps Script

Moving Card Game using Google Sheets & Apps Script

One popular method to get your students to learn is to categorise things or to put them in order. Here, we’re going to look at making a card sorting game, which could be used for both.

Source: Moving Card Game using Google Sheets & Apps Script

Fast, operational, and awesome prototypes with Google App Scripts and the Airtable API

As of writing Google App Scripts and functions in the documents use the V8 Runtime which generally supports ES6 syntax. This wasn’t true historically, and Google Scripts was limited ES5 syntax. This was a significant limitation. You’ll likely still find a lot of tutorials for Google App Scripts using ES5 and related workarounds, keep in mind there may be more modern ways to do the same thing now.

If your teams are using G Suite tools and Airtable, the building blocks to build secure and operational web application prototypes may be closer than you think. This article shows you how to get started and offer tips along the way.

Source: Fast, operational, and awesome prototypes with Google App Scripts and the Airtable API

Delegating Client-Side Requests with in Google Apps Script – Jeff Everhart

After a while, writing code becomes less about knowing all of the specifics of a language, framework, or platform, but more about being able to match patterns. After seeing a sufficient number of different problems, you get better at saying, “Hey, this bit of problem X seems a lot like this part of problem Y, maybe we could use that.”

In this post, learn about the Delegation Pattern that describes an object whose role it is to accept requests, delegate those responses to other objects, then return the responses to the original caller.

Source: Delegating Client-Side Requests with in Google Apps Script – Jeff Everhart

How to make a Ladder Card game with Apps Script

In our foreign language classes, one of the classic activities we do to help students learn new language, is to print phrases onto card, then cut the cards up. We then write the answers on the back of the cards. They then place the cards on a desk and then go through the cards one by one, trying to remember the correct answer.

Here we’re going to make a simple ladder card game using Apps Script and Google Sheets.

Source: How to make a Ladder Card game with Apps Script