
2-Way sync between sheets without a unique ID

How to setup 2-way sync within the same workbook without any unique ID.

I’m in the habit of adding IDs to sheets where I need to do lookups, but sometimes, I inherit a sheet without IDs in place (or I can’t edit the sheet structure). Spencer outlines a clever way to handle syncing between two sheets without using IDs in this video.

Source: 2-Way Sync: No Unique ID

Paginating API Calls in Google Apps Script

The featured image is by Brandi Redd on Unsplash

One of my favorite things about Google Apps Script is that I can get information from an API and write it directly to a shared document or spreadsheet…It’s not uncommon for these requests to come back in paginated form. Meaning, if your request has 100 responses, they’ll come in batches of n size instead of all at once.

Pagination can be tricky. This post has a video and sample script to help you abstract the process of working with paginated API responses in Apps Script.

Source: Paginating API Calls in Google Apps Script

ObjectStore: Apps Script library for in-memory storage and retrieval 

AppsScripters need a quick and easy way to keep objects hanging around, and to persist them across executions. There are services available but using them effectively is a well-worn problem. Why not solve it once-and-for-all?

Adam Morris, GDE Expert and Workspace dev, brings another library to the table to help developers work more efficiently with data in memory. This library handles in-memory storage as well as writing to the Cache and Properties services for persistent storage in Apps Script projects.

Source: ObjectStore for Apps Script

Synchronous Class Dashboard with Apps Script – a personalized online interactive classroom

Andy Rundquist has created (and released as open source!) a synchronous class dashboard built entirely out of Apps Script.

As my school went mostly online last spring, I started collecting my thoughts about what I really wish I had for an online platform to work with my students. I quickly realized that my dream of all videos on and fully interactive students 1) wasn’t as good as I thought, and 2) didn’t happen because many students couldn’t or wouldn’t make use of video. I began to realize that video is the dominant feature in things like Zoom and Google Meets. It gobbles up nearly all of the screen space and is responsible for nearly all the bandwidth. So I started to consider what I might be able to do if I just stopped using video.

So I set out looking for ways to build in collaborative tools like whiteboards and understanding checks that would make better use of screen space. This is the result.

Andy’s full project is on GitHub is worth checking out.

Logger Drop-in Replacement for V8 Runtime

Why not make it a proper library? Because to make it a drop-in replacement, needs to have access to global scope, which a library doesn’t.

The V8 runtime changes how the Logger class works, which has shown much slower load times for simple Logging statements. This snippet writes all Logger.log calls to a spreadsheet when invoked, greatly speeding up development time.

Source: classroomtechtools/modularLibrariesV8

Google Apps Script Library Database

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Andrew Roberts (@andrewroberts6) is creating a massive database which records information about Apps Script libraries that are publicly available. He includes the name, a short description, project key, and other helpful information (links, last updated, etc) for finding helpful libraries.

Source: Google Apps Script Library Database – Google Sheets

Unit Testing in GAS Part 5: Testing Objects and Arrays

It’s time to dive into deeper equality situations with objects and arrays. Every test we’ve written so far has used a non-strict comparison. In other words, we’ve only been checking value but not type. This is particularly important in JavaScript because of how it handles truthy and falsy values.

The fifth part of a series using the GAS QUnit library to write unit tests for Apps Script projects in the web editor. This post details testing arrays and objects.

Source: Unit Testing in GAS Part 5: Testing Objects and Arrays

Google Apps Script Development – Best Practices – Andrew Roberts

This is an overview of the various techniques and best practices I have evolved in developing Google Apps Scripts over the years. Of course Google have got a few suggestions of their own, and there are plenty of more general …

This includes some good design pattern considerations for Apps Script projects as well as links to testing libraries, boilerplate frameworks, and extensions that help manage Apps Script work.

Source: Google Apps Script Development – Best Practices – Andrew Roberts

SpreadAPI: add REST API to any spreadsheet in Google Sheets



SpreadAPI is a free Google Apps Script that allows you to add REST API to any spreadsheet in Google Sheets in a few minutes. The API can be accessed over HTTPS from back-end as well as front-end apps.

It’s currently possible to publish a Google Sheet as JSON to get the data in a third-party application, but it’s harder to allow for posting new data back to that sheet. SpreadAPI is a script that creates a full-function REST API for a Google Sheet. Each implementation is set up individually and provides multiple authentication methods for specific users or even anonymous users.


Unit Testing in GAS Part 4: Error Handling | ohhey[blog]

Up until now, our Calcs class has handled errors with simple true and false flags. That’s not helpful to the user. At this point, we’re ready to begin defining and testing custom errors in our functions.

QUnit allows a throws method which can check for errors in your application. This tutorial post adds some error checking to a simple Apps Script project.

Source: Unit Testing in GAS Part 4: Error Handling | ohhey[blog]