
The Gift of Script: Search spreadsheet for multiple criteria

Search through rows of a Google Sheet simultaneously looking for certain criteria all in one single loop. I needed a way of doing this without multiple loops despite searching for separate information and here is a way of achieving that via true/false flags.

Rows of email address and role in spreadsheet

Screenshot of spreadsheet data to search

Source: The Gift of Script: Search spreadsheet for multiple criteria

How to Make your Documents Read-only in Google Drive using Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

Your documents and files in Google Drive can be modified by anyone who has edit access to the file. You can always remove external collaborators from your documents to prevent them from editing your files but how do you prevent yourself (the owner) from accidentally editing your own files in Google Drive? Google Drive doesn’t have a simple button (yet) for locking files so here’s a little Google Script that can help you make any file in your Google Drive read-only.

Nice post from Amit Agarwal showing how the new Google Drive Locking API can be used with Google Apps Script. The post contains all the code and instructions you need to get started.

Source: How to Make your Documents Read-only in Google Drive – Digital Inspiration

Using Google Apps Script to generate code for handling Google Forms submission data

Automate the generation of further Apps Script code typically used when capturing Google Form submission data. I tend to find there are 2 lines of code per Form question that I have to write which when scaled up to 60+ questions is a lot of time and chance for human error.

Apps Script code can be automatically generate as lines of text in a document.

Auto generate Apps Script code lines.

Source: Generate Apps Script code for Forms

Adding some AutoFill magic to your Google Sheets projects with Google Apps Script

Google Sheets users can already use the magic of AutoFill to expand data automatically detecting a series of numbers, letters or dates. This feature is particularly powerful even when your series includes text or repeating dates. In this post I’ll highlight how you can also use AutoFill in your Google Apps Script projects

This post is designed for both no/low coders and expert developers interested in finding out how you can use AutoFill in your Google Sheets/Apps Script projects.

Source: Adding some AutoFill magic to your Google Sheets Apps Script projects

Google Doc to clean HTML converter for Google Apps Script

Export Google Doc as clean html. Handy to make a WordPress post from Google Doc. – thejimbirch/GoogleDoc2Html

Following on from our previous post highlighting Amit Agarwal’s Send Rich Text HTML Emails with Google Sheet  we received the following recommendation for a Google Doc to HTML converter solution from @IMTheNachoMan:

For those interested in workflows for using Google Docs as an email template this solution already has a emailHtml() function you can build on which appears to already inline images from your Google Doc.

Source: thejimbirch/GoogleDoc2Html

Send Rich Text HTML Emails with Google Sheet – Digital Inspiration

You can format the source data in Google Spreadsheet in different colors, fonts and sizes and all your cell formatting will be retained in the email messages.

Very handy code snippet from Amit Agarwal which lets you convert the formatted text in a Google Sheets cell to HTML. In the example Amit uses the formatted text in an email sent with MailApp but you might find other uses for this solution. Click through to the source link for all the details…

Source: How to Preserve Formatting of Spreadsheet Cells in Mail Merge – Digital Inspiration

Retrieving Data from QR code on Google Slides using Google Apps Script · tanaike

This is a sample script for decoding a QR code put in Google Slides using Google Apps Script. In this case, Javascript is used at the opened dialog. And Canvas API and jsQR are used.

This is a nice example of how you can easily drop in existing JavaScript libraries into your Apps Script project by using a HTML dialog. The post also has some nice tricks for handing image data, in particular, from getDataFromQRCode() the image data is passed into the HtmlService:

const html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("index");
html.image = JSON.stringify(blob.getBytes()); // adding image data
SlidesApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html.evaluate(), "sample");

This is added in client side with a printing scriptlet:

image.src = `data:image/png;base64,${btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(Int8Array.of(...JSON.parse(<?= image ?>)).buffer)))}`; 

Another way you could achieve this is base64 encoding the image server side with Utilities.base64Encode().

Source: Retrieving Data from QR code on Google Slides using Google Apps Script · tanaike

Cropping Images in Google Slides using Google Apps Script

This is a sample script for cropping images in the Google Slides using Google Apps Script.

Useful snippet from Tanaike which shows how you can crop images in Google Slides by using the replace(blobSource, crop) method. The  post also highlights a limitation with the image manipulation methods available around crop centering.

Source: Cropping Images in Google Slides using Google Apps Script · tanaike

Bulk export Qualtrics survey results to Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

The following tool is designed to connect to your Qualtrics account and export the results data for multiple surveys that you specify, in one go. The results will be appended to the Google Sheet using the survey-name to identify each sheet of data. The data itself is exported as CSV.

The spreadsheet requests some details to connect to your qualtrics accounts with clear instructions on how.

Screenshot of instructions from Google Sheet with boxes to enter information.


Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk export Qualtrics survey results

Control responses in Google Forms in 4 lines of Google Apps Script

If you are using Google Forms to handle sign-ups for an upcoming event, and you want to control the number of responses (Limit responses), guess what! you can do it using Google apps script (only in 4 Lines of Code)

Nice little snippet highlighted by Aya Sayed, click through to the source for the code snippet.

Source: Control responses in Google Forms! | by Aya Sayed | Jul, 2020 | Medium