
Filter a try/catch error message when coding with Google Apps Script

Search a try/catch error message for keywords to determine the error message to log using JavaScript match.

Filter an error message in a try/catch

Filter an error message in a try/catch

The following Google Apps Script is designed to exercise how you might go about searching the error message in a ‘try/catch’ for keywords. I wanted this specifically for a tool I built that contains a lot of code (and hence a lot of potential error messages) between a try/catch, for which a very small number of people were experiencing a timezone issue with their Google Sheet file.

The aim was to use a JavaScript ‘match’ to find the keyword timezone and display a set of instructions for the user to resolve the issue themselves instead of just a generic error message.

Source: The Gift of Script: Filter a try/catch error message

r/GoogleAppsScript – AutoScript – create Google Apps Script code with help of AI #nocode

I’ve seen a couple of proof of concept solutions for AI generated Google Apps Script code, but this one is the most well developed I’ve seen to date. The AutoScript Add-on isn’t fully verified so if you are trying this out I would recommend using disposable credentials (as a Google Workspace admin I created/used a Cloud Identity account). I’ve only done limited testing but was able to get the add-on to generate a functional Google Apps Script code snippet. Simultaneously both amazing and scary to think a chunk of what I do for a living could be replaced by one of our robot friends.

Develop a Google Chat App Currency Converter with Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

Have you ever wanted to convert currencies instantly while in Google Chat with colleagues and clients? In this tutorial, we are going to build a Currency Converter Google Chat App with Google Apps Script to do just that.

This tutorial is a multi-media series containing step-by-step video instructions for each stage of the process along with code snippets for each stage, important links and some further details on the more unusual parts of the code.

This is a great video series wrapped in a blog post, which highlights a Google Chat app development process. The particular project presented by Scott Donald is a currency converter but there are many repeatable aspects that would work in a wide range of Google Chat applications. The project is coded in Google Apps Script and the post includes plenty of snippets to help you understand various aspects of Google Chat app development including slash commands and information cards.

Source: Develop a Google Chat App Currency Converter with Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

Bulk convert Google Sheets to PDFs using Google Apps Script

Bulk convert Google Sheets within a given Google Drive folder into PDFs and optionally delete the original file.

Bulk convert Google Sheets to PDFs using Apps Script

Bulk convert Google Sheets to PDFs using Apps Script


  • Maximum runtime – in order to prevent the tool from reaching the limits imposed by Google you can adjust the number of minutes the tool can run for. Change this in the ‘’ file in the Script Editor.
  • Continue from where it left off – if you have a lot of Google Sheets to convert and the above runtime is reached the tool will save its progress and prompt you to run it again, avoiding any file duplication.
  • HTML popup – as well as the ‘Log’ sheet the tool displays a direct popup to the user if it encounters a problem.
  • PDF counter – after successfully running the tool will include the number of PDFs created as part of the success popup to the user.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk convert Google Sheets to PDFs

Workaround: Checking Existence of File ID in Google Drive without Access token and API key using Google Apps Script

This is a workaround for checking the existence of file ID in Google Drive without both the access token and API key.

When you want to check whether the file of the file ID is existing in Google Drive, generally, you might use Drive API and Drive service (DriveApp) of Google Apps Script. In this case, the scope of Drive API is required to be used. By this, the access token and the API key (in the case of publicly shared files) are required to be used. But, there might be a case that the available scopes are limited. In this post, I would like to introduce a workaround for checking the existence of file ID in Google Drive without both the access token and API key.

This workaround could have been a nice addition to a recent project I was working on to audit a bunch of Google Drive file IDs. As noted in this post a big benefit of the approach is there is no need to include Google Drive authentication scopes to your project. See the source post for the code and explanation.

Source: Workaround: Checking Existence of File ID in Google Drive without Access token and API key

How to monetize your Google Workspace add-on?

You’ve built a great add-on for the Google Workspace ecosystem (Google Docs, Google Sheets, Gmail & co.). It’s getting a lot of traction and you feel like you can monetize it. This is the guide I wish I had found a few years ago when I was researching how to monetize our own add-on for Google Sheets.

Here is a very concise and incredibly useful guide written by Corentin Brossault, co-founder and CTO at Mailmeteor, on the practical steps you can take if you are interested in monetizing your Google Apps Script solution. The post includes some code snippets and guidance on protecting personal information of your users, storing licence data in Firebase and integrating with Stripe as a payment processor.

Source: How to monetize your Google Workspace add-on?

The 5th-year Anniversary of Yagisanatode! A [Google Apps Script Developer Expert] Origin Story

Learn the origin story of a solopreneur, Scott and how he built Yagisanatode over the past 5 years. …

“We had just started the second semester of a university course that I was instructing on and my operations director pulled me out of my first class for the semester within an hour and asked me to teach the advanced course. I lasted a day…”

Continuing on from yesterday’s theme of ‘code zero’ to ‘code hero’ here is another origin story this time from Scott Donald. The EDU sector is a rich vein when it comes to producing ‘noisy’ Google Apps Script developers. There are probably a number of reasons why this sector produces so many of the most impactful community contributors. Education, particularly assessment, is so admin intensive it’s maybe not that surprising that stories similar to Scott’s are quite common, but perhaps the biggest factor is educators like to educate!

Source: The 5th-year Anniversary of Yagisanatode! An Origin Story. – Yagisanatode

Tech Recruiter Tries Coding — Google Apps Script

Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

After years of working adjacent to software development, first in sales and then in recruitment, I abruptly decided to take the plunge into the other side, and start coding to automate or speed up tasks of my everyday job.

The idea came by when I started using Google Sheets more heavily, and realized how powerful it is by itself, and how much more it can become with the addition of Google Apps Script, which I discovered to my surprise is actually modern JavaScript.

Sharing this post as hopefully it’s encouragement if you are new or a beginner to Google Apps Script that with some time and effort you can begin building your custom solutions in Google Workspace. Also, if nothing else it’s all a great reminder that you can quickly enhance your UI with Unicode characters:

Source: Tech Recruiter Tries Coding — Google Apps Script

12 Years and 1000 pages in Office, Google (Docs,Gsuite) Workspace, and other stuff – Desktop Liberation

I’ve been running this site for about 12 years ago. with over 1000 pages of content, here’s some of the high (and low) lights. I came to Apps Script not long after it was available, my first foray into it was probably around 2010, and I started writing about it not long afterwards.

I’m sure many Google Workspace developers are familiar with the work of Bruce Mcpherson. Regardless of whether or not you have, this is a nice summary of the last 12+ years of work published by Bruce last year but well worth revisiting. It covers everything from his move from VBA to focus on Apps Script, useful script libraries and code as well as explorations into other Google Cloud products.

Source: 12 Years and 1000 pages in Office,Google (Docs,Gsuite) Workspace, and other stuff – Desktop Liberation

Introducing AppSheet databases: Build data driven apps for Google Workspace

Over the past year, we’ve added more functionality to AppSheet, extending how it can maximize the power of Google Workspace through integrations with products such as Gmail, Google Drive and Apps Script. To improve the experience for app creators and users, we’re excited to introduce in public preview AppSheet databases, a built-in database for citizen developers to easily and securely manage their data.

During public preview, access to AppSheet databases will be enabled by default for everyone but it will not affect existing apps. Use of this feature in public preview will be included at no additional cost in your AppSheet subscription plan, but limited to 10K rows per table, 20 tables per database and 20 databases per user. Please note that these limits may change when the feature is generally available.

For people who tuned in to TU3.5: New workflow solutions with Tables and Google Apps Script back in 2020 AppSheet databases will look very familiar. Since that episode the Area 120 team behind the Tables beta moved into Google Cloud and specifically AppSheet.

The big question for me is whether AppSheet databases can find a sweet spot for citizen developers looking for something with more performance than a Google Sheet and easier to setup than a Google Cloud project. In public preview AppSheet databases are limited to 10,000, which interestingly is the same limit as the old paid version of Tables.

Ultimately this may however be less able size and performance but a data solution that the AppSheet team has full control, particularly removing  a reliance on features developed by the Google Sheets team.

Source: Introducing AppSheet databases: Build data driven apps for Google Workspace