
SpeedStore: Blazingly fast Properties storage for Google Apps Script ⚡

Retrieving and saving properties in Google Apps Script can be slow, especially if there are a lot of them. SpeedStore is a blazingly fast in memory properties store which you can use to make retrieving and saving properties much easier.

Continuing yesterday’s theme highlighting some of the components for developing a Google Workspace Add-on where John McGowan highlighted  how Properties Service can be used to store and use a “licence” property to customise your add-on UI, we continue by looking at how you can handle property storage.

There have been a number of community contributions in this area such as Bruce Mcpherson’s bmCrusher. Another option is SpeedStore from Joshua Snyder. Not as feature filled as bmCrusher but the benefit is the library is more compact. SpeedStore still comes with some very useful features including automatically handling properties over 9kb and JSON encoding/decoding. Perhaps the biggest benefit is speed particularly when you are using a single store for all your properties.

Source: GitHub – joshsny/SpeedStore: Blazingly fast Properties storage for Google Apps Script ⚡

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