
Using Google Apps Script to find/print inactive users in Google Workspace – xFanatical

In large organizations, it’s overwhelming for admins to find inactive users in the User List of Google Admin Console. These inactive users have not been logged in their Google accounts for a long period. It imposes a potential security risk to the organizational data if these accounts are not taken care of.  A free apps script to print all inactive users in Google Workspace. The following open source Google Apps Script can automate the process of printing inactive users in your domain.

Nice little snippet from xFanatical. Check out the source link for all the code and instructions for using.

Source: Print inactive users in Google Workspace – xFanatical

Extract text from multiple Google Docs into a Sheet

The following Google Apps Script is designed to iterate through Google Docs in a given Google Drive folder and extract the paragraphs of text along with a link to each file into a Google Sheet. A new column will automatically be appended for each paragraph.

This tool was designed with the vision that you may wish to centrally collate some comments/feedback written by others in Docs, into one central location so you do not need to open each file in turn.

Provide a Google Folder ID to extract text from Docs

Provide a Google Folder ID to extract text from Docs

Source: The Gift of Script: Extract text from multiple Google Docs into a Sheet

Sending emails on a schedule with Google Apps Script

Ever wondered how you would automate tasks in Google Workspace without using a tool developed by an external entity? Google has your back. In this article, we will see how one can send emails on a schedule. As an example, I have used an annual event. A birthday reminder script, if you will.

A simple example but for those just starting out in Google Apps Script a nice example of using time-based triggers.

Source: Sending emails on a schedule with Google Apps Script

TSChatWise : Post lessons and learning resources specified in a Google Sheet to one or more Google Chat rooms — Getting Started

In a previous post I introduced TSChatWise … a Google Sheets and Apps Script powered Google Chat tool for teaching and learning. 🚀 This post is the third post in a TSChatWise “Getting Started” series where I’ll discuss how to get started with TSChatWise.

We’ve feature TSChatWise in AppsScriptPulse in the past but worth revisiting as author Laura Taylor has created some resources to help you get started.

Source: TSChatWise — Getting Started

Creating Colorful Buttons on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script

This is a sample script for creating the colorful buttons on Google Spreadsheet on Google Apps Script.

There are some interesting features in this script example, combining the use of Google Slides to create buttons and then assigning a script function to the result using the .assignScript() method.

Source: Creating Colorful Buttons on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script

Data Enrichment with the Google Tables Apps Script Bot -Ben Collins

Learn how the Google Tables Apps Script Bot works and see an example of data enrichment using the Mattermark API.

In this post, I’ll show you how to use the new Google Tables Apps Script Bot. When something happens in your Google Table – a new row, or a value changes – a bot can be set to trigger an Apps Script function. It opens up a world of new possibilities.

While the Tables beta has been announced as joining Google Cloud it is still limited to US users. In the meantime for those outside the US we are limited to watching from the sidelines. Fortunately we can watch through the expert eyes of community members, in this case the esteemed Ben Collins. In this post Ben highlights how the experimental Tables Apps Script integration can be used to develop bots.

Source: Data Enrichment with the Google Tables Apps Script Bot –

Bulk create Sheets from a Google Sheet

Use Google Apps Script to bulk create Sheets from a Google Sheet of data. Loop through each row and copy the data to the new file.

Bulk create Sheets from Google Sheet

Bulk create Sheets from Google Sheet

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Sheets from a Google Sheet

How to Change the Font in your Google Documents with Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

How to change the font family and font styles of multiple Word documents in your Google Drive with Apps Script. This example show how to replace the font family of your Google Documents of specific sections – the heading titles are rendered in a different font while the tables, list items, body and table of contents are formatted with a separate font.

Source: How to Change the Font in your Google Documents with Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

Bulk create Shared drives with permissions

Bulk create Google Shared drives with permissions all from a Google Sheet.

Bulk create Shared drives from a Google Sheet

Bulk create Shared drives from a Google Sheet

  • Provide the name of the Shared drive on each row in column A.
  • Provide the email address(es) of the Google Account(s) under the relevant Access level column (Manager, Content Manager, Contributor, Commenter, Viewer). Use a comma and a space to separate multiple email addresses, eg: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
  • Ensure you include at least one Manager – the script will check for this – so as to prevent creating a Shared drive that you are then unable to access.
  • On the ‘Config’ sheet provide the column numbers – leave the default values unless you change the structure of the ‘Data’ sheet and move columns around.
  • The ‘Log’ sheet should help to troubleshoot any errors you experience, but there will also be a popup message should the script fail at some point.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Shared drives with permissions

Google Apps Script – What a difference 5 years make – Episode 2 [Property Service and Spreadsheet Service updates] – Desktop Liberation

Image credit: Bruce Mcpherson

Image credit: Bruce Mcpherson

How google apps script has changed over the past 5 years. Episode 2 in a series of post covers the Properties Service and the Spreadsheet service

Bruce Mcpherson continues his look at changes in Google Apps Script over the last 5 years, this time looking at PropertiesService and SpreadsheetApp. This post is worth a read just to check you’ve not missed any new methods for working with Google Sheets, because over the last 5 years there have been many!

Source: Google Apps Script – What a difference 5 years make – Episode 2 – Desktop Liberation