
Bulk convert Google Docs to PDFs 2.0

Bulk convert all the Google Docs within a given folder to PDFs and optionally delete the Docs afterward, version 2.0

The following Google Apps Script tool is designed to bulk convert all Google Docs within a given Google Drive folder into PDFs. You can choose the destination folder for the PDFs to be put into and also whether you want the original Docs to be deleted. This tool does work on Shared drives.

It is an improved version of this Google Doc to PDF tool post.

Improvements / Features

  1. Maximum runtime – in order to prevent the tool from reaching the limits imposed by Google you can adjust the number of minutes the tool can run for. Change this in the ‘’ file in the Script Editor.
  2. Continue from where it left off – if you have a lot of Google Docs to convert and the above runtime is reached the tool will save its progress and prompt you to run it again, avoiding any file duplication.
  3. HTML popup – as well as the ‘Log’ sheet the tool now displays a direct popup to the user if it encounters a problem.
  4. PDF counter – after successfully running the tool will include the number of PDFs created as part of the success popup to the user.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk convert Google Docs to PDFs 2.0

Bulk convert Google Docs to PDFs

Bulk convert all the Google Docs within a given folder to PDFs and optionally delete the Docs afterwards. Specify the destination folder for the PDFs.

Bulk convert Google Docs to PDFs using Apps Script

Bulk convert Google Docs to PDFs using Apps Script

The following Google Apps Script tool is designed to bulk convert all Google Docs within a given Google Drive folder into PDFs. You can choose the destination folder for the PDFs to be put into and also whether you want the original Docs to be deleted. This tool does work on Shared drives.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk convert Google Docs to PDFs

How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script – Digital Inspiration

With Google Apps Script, you can easily convert any HTML content into a PDF file. The converted PDF file can be either saved to a folder in your Google Drive, you can email the file as an attachment or the use the UrlFetchApp service of Apps Script to post the PDF file to an external service like Amazon S3 or Dropbox.

Source: How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script – Digital Inspiration

How I manage password encryption for my last Google Workspace add-on onleetransfer | by Stéphane Giron | Aug, 2021 | Medium

Manage password encryption in Firebase Cloud Functions for Apps Script using bcrypt with an example of front-end integration.

Useful post from Stéphane Giron with an overview of how Firebase Cloud Functions can be used in combination with Google Apps Script to provide add-on functionality.

Source: How I manage password encryption for my last Google Workspace add-on onleetransfer | by Stéphane Giron | Aug, 2021 | Medium

Bulk create Google Drive Folders and add Files

Bulk create Google Drive folders with optional files copied into each one. Also optionally add edit permissions to these folders/files.

Bulk create Google Drive folders and add files, from a Sheet of data

Bulk create Google Drive folders and add files, from a Sheet of data

The following Google Apps Script tool was developed to bulk create Google Drive folders with optional files copied in to each one, all from data within a Google Sheet. There is also the option to add specific ‘edit’ permissions to the newly create Drive folders of which the files would automatically inherit this access level.

Key Functionality:

  • Complete the necessary information in the Config sheet before proceeding. Then use the Create folders option from the Admin menu at the top of the Google Sheet.
  • Adding permissions is optional – use the Config sheet to change the dropdown as required. If you select ‘No’ then the usual Google Drive inheritance will occur based on the parent Google Drive folder.
  • You can add multiple File IDs into the relevant cell and they can be different for each row. Leaving this cell blank/empty means no files will attempt to be copied into the new folder.
  • The original filename will be updated during the copy to append the folder name to the end of it, in order to prevent creating a large number of files with identical names.
  • There is a Log sheet to help troubleshoot any errors which may occur when running the tool.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Google Drive Folders and add Files

Search Google Drive files and extract row data

Search and extract the content of Google Drive files. Collate the row data into a collective Google Sheet.

Search and extract the content of Google Drive files

Search and extract the content of Google Drive files

This was created for a specific Subject Access Request but may be of interest/use to others.

Source: The Gift of Script: Search Google Drive files and extract row data

Get a list of Google Shared Drives by ID and Name in Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

If your organisation is using Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise, or one of the other supported plans, you are likely taking advantage of the power of Google’s Shared Drives.

If you have decided to create a Google Apps Script project that needs to get a list of your Shared Drive (or a user’s shared drives in the case of a WebApp), then you might be scratching your head right now wondering how to get this list using the built-in DriveApp class.

Whelp, unfortunately, at the time of writing this article the DriveApp class does not have this functionality. However, it is pretty easy to access in a single line of code using an Advance API.

Source: Get a list of Google Shared Drives by ID and Name in Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

Search Google Drive for owned files

Use Google Apps Script to search Google Drive for all files owned by a user and collate their details onto a Google Sheet.

Provide the owner and maximum script runtime for search Drive for files

Provide the owner and maximum script runtime for search Drive for files

It will collate:

  • The filename,
  • The file ID,
  • A direct/clickable link to the file,
  • The type of file eg PDF, Googe Sheet/Doc, etc.

Source: The Gift of Script: Search Google Drive for owned files

Creates a Google Workspace Add-on file picker card with CardService that opens a Google Picker in an overlay window – Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

So you have this awesome idea for a Google Workspace Add-on (GWAO), but you need to be able to select Google Drive files and folders as a part of your process. … Ideally, you would want a built-in File Picker class that would select the files and folders from the directories you need. Whelp… unfortunately, we don’t have that right now for Google Apps Script’s Card Service.

One approach might be to build out a file picker card selecting each parent’s files and folders and navigate through it like, say, a linked list. … Instead, I decided to incorporate Googles File Picker API as a popup window from the sidebar, because, it’s kinda what it is designed for.

The Google Apps Script GDEs are publishing some very thorough tutorials just now. The latest comes from Scott Donald who has published a tutorial exploring how the Google Drive Picker can be used with Workspace Add-ons that use the Card Service. The post is particularly good at highlighting the steps required as a Google Cloud Console project.

Source: Creates a Google Workspace Add-on file picker card with CardService that opens a Google Picker in an overlay window – Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

Bulk create Shared drives with permissions

Bulk create Google Shared drives with permissions all from a Google Sheet.

Bulk create Shared drives from a Google Sheet

Bulk create Shared drives from a Google Sheet

  • Provide the name of the Shared drive on each row in column A.
  • Provide the email address(es) of the Google Account(s) under the relevant Access level column (Manager, Content Manager, Contributor, Commenter, Viewer). Use a comma and a space to separate multiple email addresses, eg: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
  • Ensure you include at least one Manager – the script will check for this – so as to prevent creating a Shared drive that you are then unable to access.
  • On the ‘Config’ sheet provide the column numbers – leave the default values unless you change the structure of the ‘Data’ sheet and move columns around.
  • The ‘Log’ sheet should help to troubleshoot any errors you experience, but there will also be a popup message should the script fail at some point.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Shared drives with permissions