Bulk create Google Drive folders with optional files copied into each one. Also optionally add edit permissions to these folders/files.
The following Google Apps Script tool was developed to bulk create Google Drive folders with optional files copied in to each one, all from data within a Google Sheet. There is also the option to add specific ‘edit’ permissions to the newly create Drive folders of which the files would automatically inherit this access level.
Key Functionality:
- Complete the necessary information in the Config sheet before proceeding. Then use the Create folders option from the Admin menu at the top of the Google Sheet.
- Adding permissions is optional – use the Config sheet to change the dropdown as required. If you select ‘No’ then the usual Google Drive inheritance will occur based on the parent Google Drive folder.
- You can add multiple File IDs into the relevant cell and they can be different for each row. Leaving this cell blank/empty means no files will attempt to be copied into the new folder.
- The original filename will be updated during the copy to append the folder name to the end of it, in order to prevent creating a large number of files with identical names.
- There is a Log sheet to help troubleshoot any errors which may occur when running the tool.
Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Google Drive Folders and add Files

I use Google Apps Script to support staff and students in my job. I enjoy dabbling with creating tools to help with automation and I freely share my learning experiences on my blog, where I also have a number of useful Google Add-ons: www.pbainbridge.co.uk