
Website Status Monitoring using Google Sheets [and Google Apps Script with optional notifications to Google Chat]

A Spreadsheet-bound apps script solution to conduct automated status monitoring on websites listed by the user in a Google Sheets management file. A separate status log file in Google Sheets will be created so that users can easily integrate data with BI services such as Google Data Studio. Notifications of changes in website status will be sent to the user’s Gmail. An optional setting to send notifications to Google Chat is available.

Nice example of using Google Chat for individual/group notification. The developer of this is also very responsive on Github if you encounter issues or have suggested changes.

Source: Website Status Monitoring using Google Sheets

Deliver asynchronous notifications in Google Chat using webhooks (Webhooks + Apps Script = Magic)

For community members receiving these timely updates, this “bot” may seem magical. In reality, it’s neither magic nor a traditional Chat bot, so the reference in the Chat UI calling it a “bot” is a bit of a misnomer. The Google Updates “bot” is in fact a simple Google Apps Script application that parses the RSS feed about new posts, and sends them asynchronously to the room via webhooks.

We’ve highlighted the ‘Wexbot’ before both in a Pulse post and in a Totally Unscripted episode, but nice to see it also feature in the official Google Developers blog.

Source: Deliver asynchronous notifications in Google Chat using webhooks

A Google Apps Script powered Google Chat Updates Bot

Keep up to date with any feed by having new posts published to a Google Chat room using Apps Script and Webhooks. Feeds included in this example are various official Google blogs.

This is a nice solution developed by Justin Wexler which provides an easy solution which can monitor a list of blogs and post any updates to a Google Chat room. The source post provides more detail on setup and how to use the code with your own Google Chat rooms. The code also provides a useful pattern for monitoring updates from RSS feeds.

Source: jdw353/google-workspace-apps-script-toolbox

TSChatWise : Post lessons and learning resources specified in a Google Sheet to one or more Google Chat rooms — Getting Started

In a previous post I introduced TSChatWise … a Google Sheets and Apps Script powered Google Chat tool for teaching and learning. 🚀 This post is the third post in a TSChatWise “Getting Started” series where I’ll discuss how to get started with TSChatWise.

We’ve feature TSChatWise in AppsScriptPulse in the past but worth revisiting as author Laura Taylor has created some resources to help you get started.

Source: TSChatWise — Getting Started

Creating a Google Chatbot connected to SAP Graph API

You know that idea you always keep at the bottom of your backlog for that elusive day you’ll find enough time to address? For me, it’s the possibility to connect a chatbot to an SAP system.

Julien Delvat shares how you can connect the SAP Graph API to Google Chat with Google Apps Script. The post provides details of the entire development and deployment process with useful tips on how you can extend the project.

Source: Creating a Google Chatbot connected to SAP Graph API

Add a Google Meet to Calendar Events with Google Apps Script

My small team relies on automation to make things run. Part of our PD process is a Google Form workflow that kicks off calendar events, document creation, and email notifications. Since we’ve moved to online learning, we wanted to update that process to automatically add a Google Meet link for any PD that doesn’t have to be in person.

There are some official Google guides that show how to attach a Meet event to the Calendar, but nothing from the perspective of Apps Script specifically, so that’s what is shown here.

Source: Add a Google Meet to Calendar Events with Google Apps Script

TSChatWise — A Google Chat Education Tool

I like shortcuts! I’m in constant search of what I deem to be the most simple, efficient and effective shortcuts. I consider any tool, system or methodology which helps me streamline workflow and save precious time a shortcut. When I believe I’ve discovered (or perhaps created) a shortcut, especially a G Suite shortcut, I like to share that shortcut with others.

Take your G Suite organization’s education to the next level with TSChatWise … a Google Sheets and Apps Script powered Google Chat tool for teaching and learning. 🚀

Source: TSChatWise — A Google Chat Education Tool

TSFormBot — A Google Form Hangouts Chat Bot powered by Google Apps Script

TSFormBot is an Apps Script powered Google Form Hangouts Chat Bot which creates form submission webhook notifications for Hangouts Chat Rooms.

Need a structured ping on your Hangouts chat whenever someone submits a form? Laura Taylor has built a perfect solution with an ever more easier workflow documentation on how to implement it.

Source: techstreams/TSFormBot

Building your first Hangouts Chat Bot in Apps Script

The task of building a Google Hangouts chatbot can often seem daunting due to the diverse technology options and approaches. What is often not always known is how relatively easy it is to build chatbots by simply using Google Apps Script.

Here’s a step by step guide on how to build your first Google Hangouts chatbot using Apps Script.

Source: Building your first Hangouts Chat Bot in Apps Script

Free Web-Based Paging System with Google Apps Script and Hangouts Chat

If you use G Suite for Education or Business and have five minutes to spare then you’ve got everything you need to make a web-based paging system for FREE.

In essence, it’s a doorbell. But one that can reach you wherever you are.

Source: Free Web-Based Paging System with Google Apps Script and Hangouts Chat