A bit of a monologue about various syntax changes and adjustments in learning and using the tool.
Great post from Adam Morris (@clssrmtechtools) aimed at Google Apps Script developers wanting to start coding with the more modern JavaScript syntax used in V8. Adam shares lots of great advice to get started and build upon.
One of the key things that V8 has sorted out is the scope of variables. Using var to declare variables meant that anything declared within the scope of a function could easily be accidentally overwritten, causing hard to track down errors. ES6 (since it’s commonly known as V8 in Apps Script – I’ll be referring to it as V8 from now on), has added const and let to the variable declaration vocabulary to help prevent these kind of problems.
With the introduction to the new Google Apps Script V8 runtime new opportunities are available for writing clean and robust code in the script editor using modern JavaScript syntax. In this post from Bruce Mcpherson you can learn some of the basics of var, const and let.
Why not make it a proper library? Because to make it a drop-in replacement, needs to have access to global scope, which a library doesn’t.
The V8 runtime changes how the Logger class works, which has shown much slower load times for simple Logging statements. This snippet writes all Logger.log calls to a spreadsheet when invoked, greatly speeding up development time.
Drop-in replacement for Logger.log, because outputting to a spreadsheet is way faster.
Sure could make additional improvements, but this is good enough for me for now.
I’m a public school teacher writing Apps Script projects to manage documentation and to make life easier in general. You can read more on my blog, blog.ohheybrian.com or follow me on Twitter, @bennettscience.
TeslaGAS is a library that helps writing scripts that communicate with your Tesla – Zzapps/teslagas
Think it is cool to link your #Tesla to your Google Calendar for auto defrosting, or collect statistics into a sheet, or use Hangouts to chat to your car to set the temperature? I drafted a simple library for Google Apps Script! https://t.co/UajCE8KuuE@AppsScriptInfopic.twitter.com/LaWzVW3v9p
Riël Notermans from Zzapps has published the beginnings of a nice little Google Apps Script library that you can use to communicate with your Tesla car.
It’s time to dive into deeper equality situations with objects and arrays. Every test we’ve written so far has used a non-strict comparison. In other words, we’ve only been checking value but not type. This is particularly important in JavaScript because of how it handles truthy and falsy values.
The fifth part of a series using the GAS QUnit library to write unit tests for Apps Script projects in the web editor. This post details testing arrays and objects.
I’m a public school teacher writing Apps Script projects to manage documentation and to make life easier in general. You can read more on my blog, blog.ohheybrian.com or follow me on Twitter, @bennettscience.
The following code combines Google Apps Script and SQL to bulk insert a Google Sheet of data into an existing SQL Table, but only after checking the record does not already exist so that it can be safely re-run.
I use Google Apps Script to support staff and students in my job. I enjoy dabbling with creating tools to help with automation and I freely share my learning experiences on my blog, where I also have a number of useful Google Add-ons: www.pbainbridge.co.uk
Over the next few blog posts I look to explore my development of an email scheduler for Gmail that is designed to let you schedule when you want an email composed in your drafts to be sent (by specifying the date/time).
This was written prior to Google introducing an email scheduler themselves.
I use Google Apps Script to support staff and students in my job. I enjoy dabbling with creating tools to help with automation and I freely share my learning experiences on my blog, where I also have a number of useful Google Add-ons: www.pbainbridge.co.uk
One of the big problems today is finding reviewers. Editors are limited by their own knowledge and various publicly-available datasets (such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, and discipline-specific tools like philpapers.org or thephilosophypaperboy.com), and while especially these latter are useful, they are not tailor-made for reviewer finding. This setup presents a way to speed up peer-review by partially automating finding reviewers for academic papers.
The aim here is to make something that is tailor-made for reviewer finding, that works by taking data from one publicly available dataset (namely that of Microsoft Academic, which is basically Google Scholar but Microsoft), extracting from it a list of possible reviewers, creating a database from that, and letting one query this newly created database to find reviewers for a paper under your editorship.
The following Google Apps Script has been created to help with a recent difficulty I was having with deleting rows containing a specific value, where the loop was losing the row position due to the spreadsheet data all shifting up a row each time one was deleted. Some searching online suggested looping through a spreadsheet in reverse (from bottom up) to avoid the shift, but that seems more like a workaround than a direct solution …
I use Google Apps Script to support staff and students in my job. I enjoy dabbling with creating tools to help with automation and I freely share my learning experiences on my blog, where I also have a number of useful Google Add-ons: www.pbainbridge.co.uk
The following Google Apps Script code was developed as a tool to check that all the necessary data existed in a spreadsheet before another function was triggered. The reason for this was that if any data was missing it would affect the student Group files I was creating (eg no email address or name) that would eventually prevent further functions from running at a later date.
I use Google Apps Script to support staff and students in my job. I enjoy dabbling with creating tools to help with automation and I freely share my learning experiences on my blog, where I also have a number of useful Google Add-ons: www.pbainbridge.co.uk