
Gassypedia – Apps Script developer ecosystem over time

Gassypedia is a bigquery datatset and Google Looker report for analyzing on the Google Apps Script developer ecosystem on Github

The Apps Script developer ecosystem is an exciting and growing space. Bruce McPherson recently published a blog post that analyzes trends in this ecosystem using publicly available GitHub data which has been added to a BigQuery dataset.

Key findings of the post include that the number of Apps Script repositories and developers on GitHub is on the rise. There is a wide variety of Apps Script projects, including add-ons, web apps, and LookerStudio connectors. The report highlights popular OAuth scopes, advanced services, and libraries utilised by developers. It also offers insights into the geographical distribution of developers and the prevalence of tools like clasp.

Bruce acknowledges that the data is limited to public GitHub repositories, which may not be fully representative of the entire Apps Script ecosystem, but it’s nevertheless a great jumping off point if you are interested in exploring Apps Script solutions. You can access the full report via the source link.

Source: Gassypedia – Apps Script developer ecosystem over time – Desktop liberation

Calculate contrasting font colors for Google Sheets with Google Apps Script

If you are playing around with Sheet colors with Apps Script, you sometimes find yourself with font colors that don’t go well with the background colors you’ve chosen. However, we can use Yiq values to decide whether the luminance of the background color would be best with a light or a dark foreground font color. Here’s a small Apps Script library to figure it out for you.

Nice little helper library from Bruce Mcpherson if you’ve like to automatically apply contrasting colours to Google Sheets ranges. The source post from Bruce provides the background to the YIQ colour system as well as how to use the library. Follow the source link for more details.

Source: Calculate contrasting font colors for Sheets. – Desktop Liberation

Fix Google Apps Script file order problems with Exports 

How to fix Apps Script file loading order and defintion visibility problems with an Exports object.

It’s good practice to keep class and namespace definitions in separate files and avoid defining functions or variables in the global space. However, App Script doesn’t give you control over the order in which it loads files. If you reference a class or a namespace from one script file, it may not yet be defined. This is where an Exports object comes in.

As your script projects get larger and you start splitting out across script files you may find you need a little more structure. Class and namespace definitions are a good way to structure your code. Even when you do this you can still encounter problems with parts of your script trying to run before they are fully loaded.

This was a particular issue when the V8 runtime launched in 2020. This was fixed in June 2022, but it can still be an issue depending on how declarations are made in your code. To find out more about why this happens and how to fix it this post by Bruce Mcpherson shows how an Exports object can be used to structure your code.

Source: Fix Apps Script file order problems with Exports – Desktop Liberation

12 Years and 1000 pages in Office, Google (Docs,Gsuite) Workspace, and other stuff – Desktop Liberation

I’ve been running this site for about 12 years ago. with over 1000 pages of content, here’s some of the high (and low) lights. I came to Apps Script not long after it was available, my first foray into it was probably around 2010, and I started writing about it not long afterwards.

I’m sure many Google Workspace developers are familiar with the work of Bruce Mcpherson. Regardless of whether or not you have, this is a nice summary of the last 12+ years of work published by Bruce last year but well worth revisiting. It covers everything from his move from VBA to focus on Apps Script, useful script libraries and code as well as explorations into other Google Cloud products.

Source: 12 Years and 1000 pages in Office,Google (Docs,Gsuite) Workspace, and other stuff – Desktop Liberation

SuperFetch Plugins: Apps Script streaming with Tank and Drive (Copying very large files to/from Google Drive with Apps Script)

Tank and Drv are SuperFetch plugins to emulate streaming and use the Drive REST API with Apps Script … This article will cover how to copy very large files using Tank to stream and Drv to upload and download partial content. The Apps Script Drive services have a limit on the size of files you can write, and very large memory usage can potentially cause Apps Script to fall over mysteriously

Clever stuff as always from Bruce Mcpherson, this time looking at how you can handle large files with Google Apps Script. We’ve featured some of Bruce’s other SuperFetch posts on Pulse, but developers can benefit from exploring the entire series so far on Bruce’s website. As well as SuperFetch plugins for Firebase and Twitter I’m personally interested in the evolution of the Google Drive client (Drv).

Source: SuperFetch Plugins: Apps Script streaming with Tank and Drive – Desktop Liberation

Using Google Sheets via BigQuery from Google Apps Script with service accounts

I’m using the JSON API for BigQuery rather than the Apps Script advanced service, since I have centralized all my BigQuery datasets in one project, and want to use a Service Account for authorization

Google Apps Script includes an Advanced service to interact with BigQuery. A limitation with both the Workspace services and Advanced Services don’t play nice if you need to use a service account. This post from Bruce Mcpherson provides details of how you can setup your Google Apps Script project to use a service account with BigQuery.

Source: Using Google sheets via Bigquery from Apps Script – Desktop Liberation

SuperFetch plugin – Firebase client for Google Apps Script – Desktop Liberation

Another in the SuperFetch (a proxy for Apps Script UrlFetchApp) plugins series, Frb is a plugin to access a Firebase Real time database.

If you want to take your use of APIs a little further Bruce Mcpherson is continuing his series exploring his recently published SuperFetch library showing how a client can be setup to interact with Firebase. As Bruce highlights: “Firebase is pretty fast, so there’s not a huge speed benefit from caching, but if you’re on a pay as go plan, SuperFertch caching can reduce your Firebase costs.”

The source post provided by Bruce provides everything to need to set up the SuperFetch client and Firebase project.

Source: SuperFetch plugin – Firebase client for Apps Script – Desktop Liberation

SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps Script UrlFetch – Desktop Liberation

I’ve written a few articles about JavaScript proxying on here, and I’m a big fan. I also use a lot of APIs, and it can be time consuming to keep on checking the REST documentation for how to call them and deal with the UrlFetch responses. SuperFetch is a proxy for UrlFetchApp to help.

Bruce Mcpherson has been busy again and this latest post introduces ‘SuperFetch’ the new Google Apps Script library which works as a proxy for UrlFetchApp. SuperFetch has some useful additional functionality including: built in caching and compression, standard response format and error handling, and built-in JSON parsing.

SuperFetch also has some useful features often required when using third party APIs including delaying between requests and rate limiting. Bruce has promised some additional posts detailing more complex API configuration options including authentication.

Source: SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps Script UrlFetch – Desktop Liberation

Simple but powerful Apps Script Unit Test library – Desktop Liberation

Image credit: the JavaScript Code CC-BY Dmitry Baranovskiy

Unit testing your code with this Apps Script Unit test library as you go along will makes it easy to immediately catch errors, and keeping a running test repertoire ensures that you don’t break anything.

When you start developing more complex Google Workspace solutions like add-ons and Chat apps it’s worth considering how you will test, debug and refactor your code. As noted in this post from Bruce Mcpherson the Apps Script community has published a number of different solutions/approaches to unit tests, a number of these appearing in Pulse.  This latest post from Bruce looks at the bmUnitTest library he has developed highlighting how it can be set up and used.

Source: Simple but powerful Apps Script Unit Test library – Desktop Liberation

Opportunities and workflows inlining Google Apps Script libraries – Desktop Liberation

This article will look at some of the opportunities you’ll have when you pull in your libraries inline rather than leaving them as references to external files, all without leaving the IDE

For the more advanced Google Apps Script developer this is a great article to get your teeth into which should also hopefully give you some tips to help manage and maintain complex Apps Script projects.

Source: Opportunities and workflows inlining Apps Script libraries – Desktop Liberation