
Proof of concept of how to get namespaces (sorta) in Google Apps Scripts libraries

Proof of concept of how to get namespaces (sorta) in Google Apps Scripts libraries – classroomtechtools/NamespacedLib

For the seasoned Google Apps Script library author a continual frustration is the inability to get the online Script Editor to autocomplete if you have sub methods within your namespace. Adam Morris has discovered that the @name attribute can be used to fake this behavior … to a degree.

Source: classroomtechtools/NamespacedLib

Firefast is a Firebase SDK for Apps Script V8 Runtime. Read and write data in Firebase using Google Apps Script

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database. Data is stored as JSON and can be accessed in your Web, iOS, Android app using Google’s Firebase SDK. But, Google doesn’t provide such SDK for Apps Script. This library solves that problem. It gives you Firebase SDK for Apps Script.

Nice Google Apps Script library from Mani Doraisamy that makes it easy to read/write data from a Firebase Realtime Database. The site also highlights the performance gain of writing this library from the V8 runtime compared to the older FirebaseApp library shared by Romain Vialard. Mani’s code is open source and if you have issues, feedback or contributions you can add these via the Github repo.

Source: Firefast – Getting Started

Google Apps Script Library Database

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Andrew Roberts (@andrewroberts6) is creating a massive database which records information about Apps Script libraries that are publicly available. He includes the name, a short description, project key, and other helpful information (links, last updated, etc) for finding helpful libraries.

Source: Google Apps Script Library Database – Google Sheets

TeslaGAS is a Google Apps Script library that helps writing scripts for your Tesla car

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

TeslaGAS is a library that helps writing scripts that communicate with your Tesla – Zzapps/teslagas

Riël Notermans from Zzapps has published the beginnings of a nice little Google Apps Script library that you can use to communicate with your Tesla car.

Source: Zzapps/teslagas

EncodeApp by tanaike (The Thinker)

EncodeApp is a GAS library for retrieving the encoding set (charset) and doing URL encode with the specific encoding set using Google Apps Script (GAS). – tanaikech/EncodeApp

Library’s project key: 1DsJdRQ9D6nXgbxVVvOroM3EYJOcB197Isvt2Sl4sziW3m9IqqeB9YoWy

Source: tanaikech/EncodeApp

List of over 130 shared Google Apps Script libraries developed by Bruce Mcpherson

Regular Google Apps Script Community contributor Bruce Mcpherson has published a list of all the Google Apps Script libraries he’s developed since 2012. The list includes links to the source repositories and if you spot a library you like the sound of you can search for more information on Bruce’s Desktop Liberation site .

Source: List of shared Apps Script libraries · Issue #31 · brucemcpherson/desktopliberation

Working with Google Apps Script in Visual Studio Code using clasp – Yagisanatode

This little tutorial is going to guide us through the steps that will allow us to work, push and pull Google Apps Script code from the online editor to Visual Studio Code.

Related to the clasp CLI from Google, this short guide gets you set up with clasp, installing an auto-completion library, and pushing a project from VS Code to your Apps Script project online.

Source: Working with Google Apps Script in Visual Studio Code using clasp – Yagisanatode

Resumable Upload For Google Drive with Google Apps Script Example

This is a Javascript library to achieve the resumable upload for Google Drive. When a file more than 5 MB is uploaded to Google Drive with Drive API, the resumable upload is required to be used.  tanaikech/ResumableUploadForGoogleDrive_js

Kanshi TANAIKE has some amazing GitHub contributions and this is another one. Whilst this is designed as a Javascript library you can use in any project Kanshi provides and an example of how this could be used in a Google Apps Script add-on.

Source: tanaikech/ResumableUploadForGoogleDrive_js

BkperApp – An example 3rd party client library for Google Apps Script 

Google Apps Script library for Bkper.

Bkper “provide a simple way to work with Finances and Accounting on Google Cloud”. The BkperApp is a Google Apps Script library they have published so that other developers have an easy way to interact with the Bkper API. There are a couple of reasons for highlighting BkperApp. First it’s great to see a company invest in developing and publishing a Google Apps Script library for their product. The BkperApp code is worth looking at because the code has been developed in clasp using TypeScript. Finally the code is open source (Apache License 2.0) so if you are thinking of developing a library for your own product BkperApp might provide a useful starting point in terms of how you structure your project.

Source: bkper/bkper-app

syncGoogleScriptRun – use with the synchronous process – tanaikech

This is a Javascript library to use “” with the synchronous process – tanaikech/syncGoogleScriptRun

Source: tanaikech/syncGoogleScriptRun