
r/GoogleAppsScript – AutoScript – create Google Apps Script code with help of AI #nocode

I’ve seen a couple of proof of concept solutions for AI generated Google Apps Script code, but this one is the most well developed I’ve seen to date. The AutoScript Add-on isn’t fully verified so if you are trying this out I would recommend using disposable credentials (as a Google Workspace admin I created/used a Cloud Identity account). I’ve only done limited testing but was able to get the add-on to generate a functional Google Apps Script code snippet. Simultaneously both amazing and scary to think a chunk of what I do for a living could be replaced by one of our robot friends.

Introducing AppSheet databases: Build data driven apps for Google Workspace

Over the past year, we’ve added more functionality to AppSheet, extending how it can maximize the power of Google Workspace through integrations with products such as Gmail, Google Drive and Apps Script. To improve the experience for app creators and users, we’re excited to introduce in public preview AppSheet databases, a built-in database for citizen developers to easily and securely manage their data.

During public preview, access to AppSheet databases will be enabled by default for everyone but it will not affect existing apps. Use of this feature in public preview will be included at no additional cost in your AppSheet subscription plan, but limited to 10K rows per table, 20 tables per database and 20 databases per user. Please note that these limits may change when the feature is generally available.

For people who tuned in to TU3.5: New workflow solutions with Tables and Google Apps Script back in 2020 AppSheet databases will look very familiar. Since that episode the Area 120 team behind the Tables beta moved into Google Cloud and specifically AppSheet.

The big question for me is whether AppSheet databases can find a sweet spot for citizen developers looking for something with more performance than a Google Sheet and easier to setup than a Google Cloud project. In public preview AppSheet databases are limited to 10,000, which interestingly is the same limit as the old paid version of Tables.

Ultimately this may however be less able size and performance but a data solution that the AppSheet team has full control, particularly removing  a reliance on features developed by the Google Sheets team.

Source: Introducing AppSheet databases: Build data driven apps for Google Workspace

How to send personalized text messages from Google Sheets (and make user friendly add-ons)

The Document Studio add-on helps you automatically send text messages when a new Google Form is submitted or when new rows are added to Google Sheets. You can thus build workflows that send text reminders when the invoices are due. Or you can get notified instantly when people fill out your Google Forms.

There was some speculation this week about how much revenue Amit Agarwal (Digital Inspiration) makes through his suite of Google Workspace Add-ons. I can neither confirm or deny the reported figures, but what I’m certain of is Amit is not only an expert developer but also clearly very talented at spotting opportunities and creating very slick user experiences.

This latest post from Amit is a case in point. No code, but plenty of screenshots demonstrating how users of his Document Studio add-on can integrate a SMS text service into Google Forms/Sheets. As this is achieved with a Webhook integration users aren’t limited to SMS services. Click through to the source link to see more screenshots similar to the one below:

Source: How to Send Personalized Text Messages from Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

Google Sheets gets named functions, XLOOKUP and more

In August 2022, Google announced named functions and 9 other new functions in Google Sheets. Named Functions let you save and name your own custom formulas, built with regular Sheets functions, and then re-use them in other Google Sheet files. It’s a HUGE step toward making formulas reusable. Learn about them all here!

Ben Collins is incredibly talented at communicating technical information in a non-technical way. This post is a great example where Ben covers the latest Google announcement on 10 new Google Sheets functions. The two standout ones are Named Functions which lets you make your own reusable function of functions, and something I’m sure many MS Excel users would appreciate, XLOOKUP.

Source: New Functions In Google Sheets For 2022

Combining Google Apps Script with Google AppSheet

Combining Google Apps Script and AppSheet

In this blog I am going to show you how to combine Google Apps Script with Google AppSheet to make automation even more powerful.

Whilst Google AppSheet is marketed as a ‘no-code’ development platform for coders there have been a number of ways to add some customisations to AppSheet apps. Previously webhooks were the main way you could do this, but the recent Apps Script connector for AppSheet makes it possible to call and if required pass parameters from AppSheet into custom Apps Script functions.

If this is something you would like to learn more about Aryan Irani has continued his AppSheet tutorial series on Medium with this post which goes through the step-by-step process for setting up and using Apps Script code in AppSheet. Click through the source link to find out more.

Source: Combining Google Apps Script with Google AppSheet

Developing robust applications with Google AppSheet: A bundle of tutorials and resources

Recently, I got the chance of giving a training on Google AppSheet at O’Reilly Media, Inc. … This was a three hour long training where I talked about the basics of Google AppSheet and how to create apps on Google AppSheet.

Aryan Irani has shared a really helpful post with highlights from an O’Reilly Media hosted course he led focusing on ‘Developing Robust Applications with Google AppSheet’. The post links to a number of other tutorials Aryan has published on how to create various AppSheet based applications including an Expense Tracking App, Vehicle Inspection App, Inventory Management App and more. Aryan touches on how Google Apps Script can be used in combination with AppSheet. If this is a topic you are interested in Chanel Greco recently highlighted a Google I/O session on the topic.

Source: My First Online Training: Developing Robust Applications with Google AppSheet

Syncing handwritten notes from reMarkable 2 to Notion [or A.N. Other via your Gmail inbox with a little Google Apps Script] 

Use Google AppsScript to automatically sync your reMarkable notes via Gmail to Notion.

Not the first example I’ve seen where the lack of API’s or other suitable integrations leads someone to using their inbox as an interface to move data around. This is a nice script example for moving handwritten notes made using reMarkable to project management and note-taking service, Notion. If you are not a Notion user it would be easy to send notes to another destination like Tasks, Sheets or a different external service like Coda.

[Aside: Yesterday in Pulse we highlighted some work by Pablo Felip on Coda webhook-based automations with Apps Script. This resulted in a useful discussion on Twitter with Coda developer advocate Eric Koleda about when best to use Coda’s webhooks:

So if you are a Coda user you might want to look at reMarkable -> Gmail -> Apps Script -> Coda webhook :)]

Source: Syncing from reMarkable 2 to Notion

Discover how to interact with Coda webhook-based automations using Google Apps Script

Discover how to interact with Coda webhook-based automations using Google Apps Script! In this post, we’ll explore different code patterns in both Coda’s formula language and Google Apps Script to send data contained in a Google Spreadsheet to a Coda table, and also perform other related tasks, using the new (May 2022) webhook-powered Coda automations.

For those unfamiliar with Coda:

Coda provides word-processing, spreadsheet, and database functions. It’s a canvas that blends spreadsheets, presentations, apps, and documents together. The software can integrate with third-party services like Slack and Gmail.

This post from Pablo Felip is a great opportunity to see what is possible using the new Coda webhook-powered automations. We’ve previously featured a couple of Coda/Apps Script integrations on Pulse, that have highlighted solutions using the Coda REST API and Coda Packs. This is the first we’ve seen using webhooks, which have a ‘no-code’ when/if/then setup interface. This route may provide the quick glue required for your Coda/Google Workspace integration. Pablo includes all the source code in the post as well as detailed instructions for setting up.

Source: Coda webhooks 💙 Google Apps Script!

How to recover an old Google Apps Script version (a no-code solution)

Many of us undisciplined hacks (read: not professional developers) sometimes find ourselves wondering when we will buckle down and start using Github to store our Apps script source files and versions.

If you sometimes find yourself in the same boat: needing to restore or access an old script version, the first thing you probably do is revert back to the old Apps script editor (IDE), (filling out the form regarding the lack of version history as your reason), and then hoping the version queue goes back far enough for you to recover what you need.

Well, today my undisciplined friend, I will show you a way to recover your script files, all the way back to version 1!! Yes, no more switching back to the old code editor.

In Pulse we’ve previously highlighted Romain Vialard’s solution to Retrieve previous versions of Google Apps Script projects, which uses UrlFetchApp to make a call to the Script REST API and add recovered files to your Google Drive. In this new contribution from Clark Lind a clever ‘no-code’ solution using Google’s interactive API Explorer. The post includes all the steps you need to follow if you need to recover an old version of a script project.

Source: How to recover an old script version

Create a To-Do list App using Google AppSheet

In this blog, I am going to show you how to create a To-Do list app using Google AppSheet. A To-do list app lets you write organize and prioritize your tasks more efficiently. In this blog, we will be creating a To-Do list app using Google AppSheet that will allow you to do the same. Additionally, we will be using the automation features in Google AppSheet to send an email as soon a task is completed.

Aryan has written a great tutorial on how to get started and takes us through how we can connect Google Sheets to AppsSheet and how to create a simple to-do list app from it.

Source: Create a To-Do list App using Google AppSheet — Part 1