
Taking Advantage of Google Apps Script (Tanaike’s list)

Kanshi Tanaike is a prolific Google Apps Script developer and we’ve often featured solutions are reports that Tanaike has shared. With this in mind Tanaike’s list of Google Apps Script resources is well worth a browse.

Source: tanaikech/taking-advantage-of-google-apps-script

Change Tab Detection on Google Spreadsheet using onSelectionChange Event Trigger with Google Apps Script

Change Tab Detection on Google Spreadsheet using onSelectionChange Event Trigger with Google Apps Script –

An example script from Kanshi TANAIKE which lets you test the new onSelectionChange(e) simple event trigger in Google Sheets.

The onSelectionChange(e) trigger runs automatically when a user changes the selection in a spreadsheet.

In the example shared this is used to detect the user changing Google Sheet tab.

Source: Change Tab Detection on Google Spreadsheet using onSelectionChange Event Trigger with Google Apps Script

Interacting with multiple hyperlinks in Google Sheets cells with Google Apps Script

Before this, when a cell has only one hyperlink. In this case, the hyperlink was given to a cell using =HYPERLINK(“”, “Google”) but by a recent update, a cell got to be able to have multiple hyperlinks … In this report, I would like to introduce the method for setting and retrieving the multiple URLs for a cell.

Hyperlinks in Google Sheets cells is a bit of an obsession of mine and it’s nice to see Kanshi TANAIKE has a similar passion. Google are rolling out multiple hyperlinks in Google Sheet cells and Tanaike has provided details on how the hyperlink values can been get/set with Google Apps Script (the official docs are still catching up with Tanaike’s discovery :)

Source: Updated Specification of Google Spreadsheet: Multiple Hyperlinks to a Cell

DNSQuery and G Suite domain detection in Google Sheets using the Cloudflare name resolution service

Dos funciones personalizadas para hojas de cálculo de Google desarrolladas en Apps Script que proporcionan un envoltorio para la función NSLookup, tal y como aparece en la documentación del servicio de resolución de nombres de CloudFlare. Consulta el registro indicado en el o los dominios que se pasan como parámetro utilizando el servicio de resolución de nombres de CloudFlare. Determina si un email o dominio (o lista de emails o dominios) está gestionado por Google o no. – pfelipm/dnsquery

Pablo Felip Monferrer has shared two custom functions for Google Sheets that provide an extension to the NSLookup function originally shared by Cloudflare. The first is a wrapper that makes it easy to list specific DNS record types for a single or list of domains. The second function uses the domains MX record to automatically detect if a domain has G Suite Gmail settings applied.

Source: pfelipm/dnsquery

Proof of concept of how to get namespaces (sorta) in Google Apps Scripts libraries

Proof of concept of how to get namespaces (sorta) in Google Apps Scripts libraries – classroomtechtools/NamespacedLib

For the seasoned Google Apps Script library author a continual frustration is the inability to get the online Script Editor to autocomplete if you have sub methods within your namespace. Adam Morris has discovered that the @name attribute can be used to fake this behavior … to a degree.

Source: classroomtechtools/NamespacedLib

Things one can get used to for the V8 Google Apps Scripts engine

A bit of a monologue about various syntax changes and adjustments in learning and using the tool.

Great post from Adam Morris (@clssrmtechtools) aimed at Google Apps Script developers wanting to start coding with the more modern JavaScript syntax used in V8. Adam shares lots of great advice to get started and build upon.

Source: Things one can get used to for the V8 Google Apps Scripts engine

Benchmark: Loop for Array Processing using Google Apps Script with V8

Benchmark: Loop for Array Processing using Google Apps Script with V8 –

Kanshi Tanaike has published some useful benchmarks looking at the process time for various loop methods comparing the old Google Apps Script runtime with V8. Something to keep in mind that while there are performance improvements there is a cost as calls to G Suite services:

Source: Benchmark: Loop for Array Processing using Google Apps Script with V8

TeslaGAS is a Google Apps Script library that helps writing scripts for your Tesla car

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

TeslaGAS is a library that helps writing scripts that communicate with your Tesla – Zzapps/teslagas

Riël Notermans from Zzapps has published the beginnings of a nice little Google Apps Script library that you can use to communicate with your Tesla car.

Source: Zzapps/teslagas

Google Apps Script snippet for Google Sheets to view json strings in a modal dialog

View json strings in a modal dialog

View json strings in a modal dialog. Activate the cell that contains a JSON string Click menu item A foldable JSON will be shown in the modal dialog

Handy little Google Apps Script snippet from Riël Notermans (Zzapps) that makes it easier to view any JSON you are storing in a Google Sheets cell.

Source: Zzapps/google_sheets_json_viewer

List of over 130 shared Google Apps Script libraries developed by Bruce Mcpherson

Regular Google Apps Script Community contributor Bruce Mcpherson has published a list of all the Google Apps Script libraries he’s developed since 2012. The list includes links to the source repositories and if you spot a library you like the sound of you can search for more information on Bruce’s Desktop Liberation site .

Source: List of shared Apps Script libraries · Issue #31 · brucemcpherson/desktopliberation