
Manage Shared Drives in Google Drive with Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

Image credit: Amit Agarwal

These code samples show how you can use Google Apps Script to manage and search through the content of shared drives in Google Drive using the Drive API.

Some handy Google Apps Script snippets from Amit Agarwal for interacting with Shared Drives. The post includes solutions for:

  • Create a Shared Drive
  • Share a Shared Drive with a User
  • List all Shared Drives
  • List Files in a Shared Drive
  • Move Files in Shared Drives
  • Copy Files in Shared Drives

Source: Manage Shared Drives in Google Drive with Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

How to pass Apps Script data directly into a HTML page

The following Google Apps Script code is designed to create a HTML popup in a Google Sheet and pass some data directly into it so that the popup can display the information.

Display Apps Script code directly in a HTML popup

This was part of a larger project I was working on so I have stripped all of that away here and kept the bare minimum for demo purposes. I already knew how to get the HTML page to run a Function once it had loaded to then access static data from within the Google Sheet, but what was tripping me up here was if that data was coming directly from Apps Script itself – such as an error message from a try/catch.

Source: The Gift of Script: How to pass Apps Script data directly into a HTML page

Change file permissions from Editor to Viewer

Google Drive Access Screen

How to change Google Drive file permissions from Editor to Viewer as said user.

The following Google Apps Script is designed to change the Google Drive file permissions of a specific user from Editor to Viewer. The function actually came about when needing to end a process where a user had been editing a Google Sheet on a Shared drive that they should only then have Viewer access to. To complicate matters the Apps Script code is running as said user when it needs to reduce their own permissions.

Source: The Gift of Script: Change file permissions from Editor to Viewer

Create a new Sheet tab and format a header row

Create a new Sheet tab within an existing Google Sheet file and format a header row (font size, colour, alignment, etc) for appending data to.

Header row

Header row

The following Google Apps Script was developed as part of a larger tool for collating file information into a specifically formatted Google Sheet. As the tool was an Add-on I needed to setup the Google Sheet file in advance so that information could be later appended to it. This code:

  • Checks if a particular named Sheet (tab) already exists within the Google Sheet file. If it does then it will delete the existing Sheet and create a brand new one.
  • Reduce the overall number of columns within the Sheet.
  • Insert 1 row of data to use as the Header row.
  • Set the Header row font size, colour, weight (bold) and horizontal/vertical alignment.
  • Set the Header row background colour, height and column widths.

Source: The Gift of Script: Create a new Sheet tab and format a header row

The Gift of Script: Convert Google Doc to PDF in a given folder

Convert a Google Doc into a PDF in a given folder and optionally delete the original Doc file.

The following Google Apps Script is designed to create a PDF file of a Google Doc in a Drive folder that you specify, with the option to delete the original Doc. This snippet of code is from larger developed solutions and allows you to understand and replicate the process.

This post is somewhat of an updated version of this Convert Doc to PDF and move into a new folder blog post. Whilst the code in it still works it was part of my early days of learning Apps Script and it was also when Google allowed for files to exist in more than one place (a feature now replaced by Shortcuts).

Source: The Gift of Script: Convert Google Doc to PDF in a given folder

Bulk create Google Drive Folders and add Files 2.0

Bulk create Google Drive folders with optional files copied into each one. With full control over naming.

Bulk create Google Drive folders with optional files, from a Google Sheet

Bulk create Google Drive folders with optional files, from a Google Sheet

This post is a variation of this Bulk create Google Drive Folders and add Files tool post.

Key Functionality

  1. Maximum runtime – in order to prevent the tool from reaching the limits imposed by Google you can adjust the number of minutes the tool can run for. Change this in the ‘’ file in the Script Editor.
  2. Continue from where it left off – if you have a lot of Google folders and files to handle and the above runtime is reached the tool will complete the current row/folder and prompt you to run it again, without duplicating any folders or files already created.
  3. Popups – as well as the ‘Log’ sheet the tool displays a direct popup to the user if it encounters a problem.
  4. Full naming control – you have the ability to tweak every single folder and file name that is created by the tool. See the Concatenate section below to understand the true power of this.
  5. Clickable links – created by the tool which means you can navigate directly to the new folders and files directly from the Google Sheet.
  6. Add more files – the tool currently has columns for 10 files to be added to each folder, but you can actually append more as long as you follow the same convention of 2 columns per file (1 file name and 1 file ID). Do this before you run the tool as you cannot add more files to a folder once it has been created.
  7. Add more folders – after running the tool you can either choose to clear all of the data within it (use the ‘Reset sheets’ option from the ‘Admin’ menu) and start again or you can simply append further rows/folders and re-run without any duplication (if the ‘Folder Link’ column is not blank/empty then it will skip that row).

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Google Drive Folders and add Files 2.0

Google Apps Script Basics – Variables and getting & setting values

Image: Baz Roberts

In this post, we’re going look at how variables are set up and how they can store various pieces of information. We’re also going to look at reading and writing data from a spreadsheet, which is one of the most common tasks when working with one.

We offer a wide range of community contributions here on AppsScriptPulse. This one might be useful if you are just learning to code and want to understand some of the fundamentals or if you’ve been using Apps Script for a while learn about variable types available in the V8 runtime.

Source: Apps Script Basics – Variables and getting & setting values

Google Apps Script Tutorial: Letterhead in Google Docs

In this Google Apps Script tutorial you will learn how to automatically create a letterhead in Google Docs.

This is a nice short video tutorial from Chanel Greco highlighting how you can manipulate a Google Doc header using Google Apps Script.

Get the redirect location of a URL using Google Apps Script

Have a list of shortened urls and need their final destination? Use this custom function in google sheets to extract them all at once.

Handy little snippet that can make testing redirects on URLs a lot easier, which can be useful for expanding short links from social media sites like Twitter.

Source: get the redirect location of a url using google apps script

How to Find and Replace Text in Google Docs with RegEx Search Patterns – Digital Inspiration

It is easy to search and replace text in Google Documents with the DocumentApp service of Google Apps Script. You can use use findText method with simple regular expressions to find text elements in the document that match a pattern and replace them with the specified text. All well and good but in some cases, this simple search and replace function may fail if the search text does not transform into a valid regular expression.

Some more regex goodness this time from Amit Agarwal who provides some very useful tips on escaping characters when using the DocumentApp service and findText method. Click through to the source link for more details.

Source: How to Find and Replace Text in Google Docs with RegEx Search Patterns – Digital Inspiration