
Email notification of Drive file changes within last x hours

Periodically check for any changes in a given Google Drive file and receive an email notification if there are any, within your given time-frame.

Email notification of Drive file changes. Image credit: Phil Bainbridge

The following Google Apps Script is designed to periodically check for any changes that have occurred to a given Google Drive file (ie edits to it) and send an email to notify of that. It goes through the Revision (Version History) of the file and looks at the modification dates for those that match with your given timeframe, to then collect the Username & Email address of the person that made those edits for inclusion in the email.

So as an example you may have a Google Sheet where you want to setup a check every 4 hours, to then be emailed if there have been any edits to it, along with who made those edits.

Source: The Gift of Script: Email notification of Drive file changes within last x hours

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