If you run and maintain an Open Source project you’ll typically will want to keep track of things like your downloads, stars, commits over time, etc. to help you gauge engagement and overall health of your project. Here’s a quick way hack to keep track of some of this data in Google Sheet which will help you simplify the collection of data and help you better understand what that data means for your project.
This post was picked up by the official @WorkspaceDevs Twitter account, which has been highlighting and amplifying more community contributions recently (hint: you may want to follow/tag the account :)
The two things that caught my eye in this post. First, was the pattern used to get stats from multiple GitHub repos which are all appended in the same row (repo 1 cols B-F and repo 2 cols G-H).
Image credit: Codenotary
As a bit of a REST API/auth geek the second thing that interested me was the use of the Acceptheader, used by GitHub to specify the REST API version being called in UrlFetchApp.