make use of firebase’s pre-built ui to authenticate users on our google apps script web app
Sometimes with Google Apps Script web apps you need a way to authenticate the user whilst also publishing the web app to run under a specific account. Sourabh Choraria details how Firebase can be setup allowing you to authenticate users with their Google account.
Make your own YouTube uploader form and let anyone upload videos of any size to your YouTube channel. The uploader can send videos even anonymously without a Google account.
It is easy to upload videos to your own YouTube channel but there’s one limitation. Only the owner of the channel can upload videos to their YouTube account and they cannot delegate the task to someone else in the team.
Google Drive has the concept of shared folders. A folder can have multiple collaborators and anyone can upload files to that folder. Wouldn’t it be useful if such a feature were available for YouTube channels as well? You maintain a single YouTube account and multiple people can upload videos to your common account without the owner having to share their Google account credentials with anyone.
If you use G Suite for Education or Business and have five minutes to spare then you’ve got everything you need to make a web-based paging system for FREE.
In essence, it’s a doorbell. But one that can reach you wherever you are.
In this article the author elaborates on how to create a basic interface using a standalone Apps Script (based on JavaScript and HTML) in order to collect phone numbers on your website, email signature, or wherever you can embed a URL of this web app and have the phone numbers input, delivered to your Google Sheet.
Edward Meehan created a Gym Attendance web app using Google App Script and React that logs members attendance to be used for members and class metrics.
This tool is a URL Shortening service powered by Google Apps Script and hosted using Github Pages.
Lovely little project from Sourabh Choraria which uses some contributions from the Apps Script community. The code for the ‘Take me There’ URL shortener is open source making it easy to deploy your own version. You can read about the development of this project including discovering issues with e.pathInfo in Sourabh’s blog post.
make use of twilio’s totp [time based one time password] and push authentications using authy app and apps script for your web app.
In this example script from sourabh choraria you can find out how you can use Twilio’s Authy service with a Google Apps Script Web App. Authy allows you to implement time based one time password authentication for your web app removing the need for username/password management