
Control responses in Google Forms in 4 lines of Google Apps Script

If you are using Google Forms to handle sign-ups for an upcoming event, and you want to control the number of responses (Limit responses), guess what! you can do it using Google apps script (only in 4 Lines of Code)

Nice little snippet highlighted by Aya Sayed, click through to the source for the code snippet.

Source: Control responses in Google Forms! | by Aya Sayed | Jul, 2020 | Medium

Auto respond to feedback via Apps Script – Sheets to Apps

Course evaluations can be a bit overwhelming when receiving mass amounts of feedback, but thanks to Apps Script this is a problem of the past. In this episode of Sheets to Apps, we’ll show you how to create and use an Apps Script for Google Sheets that allows you to respond to feedback on Google Forms via email.

In a recent episode of Sheets to Apps Ben Collins’ clever ‘Respond to feedback from students in a course’ in the G Suite  Solutions Gallery is featured. See the YouTube video description for related links.

Google Form – use a switch to determine save location

The following code is designed to take a specific option selected on a Google Form and use that to determine where something could be stored. The example it was developed for was Risk Assessments where depending on the type of assessment selected on the Form the generated file was to be saved in a specific Google Drive folder.

Source: The Gift of Script: Google Form – use a switch to determine save location

Create Google Doc from Form submission

Screenshot of spreadsheet with data and Doc link

Screenshot of spreadsheet with data and Doc link

Create a Google Doc for each submission of a Google Form and translate some of that Form data into the Doc. It puts a link to the newly created Google Doc back into the spreadsheet alongside the relevant row. The Name field from the Form is used as part of the filename for the created Doc and there is a Log sheet to support any troubleshooting errors.

Source: The Gift of Script: Create Google Doc from Form submission

Hacking it: Generate PDFs from Google Forms

Some time ago, I had a request from one of my colleagues to help automate a rather repetitive and might I add, highly prone to error, process. One of the clients required her to fill in the same form several times in a day, manually, and then send it back for approval and signing. Of course, I’m simplifying a bit but that was what it was in essence.

In this detailed post, Neha demonstrates how to use Google Forms to generate professional looking PDFs from the data submitted via the form, using Google Sheets and Apps Script.

Source: Hacking it: Generate PDFs from Google Forms

Automate onboarding of company resources from a Google Sheet – Sheets to Apps

In this episode of Sheets to Apps, we cover how to give newcomers access to resources via Google Forms and an Apps Script that lives in a Google Sheets, making on-boarding new employees simple and easy.

The code and other resources presented in this episode are available from the video description.

G Suite Solutions —  Apps Script Powered Workflow Automation

Laura Taylor recently spoke at SheetsCon on the topic of Automation with Apps Script. During the presentation, she walked through a simple approval workflow for a hypothetical small business to demonstrate the power of Apps Script to automate workflow inside G Suite. She also showcased modern ECMAScript features supported by the new Apps Script V8 Javascript runtime.

The article is an overview of the workflow covered in the author’s presentation along with install instructions for trying it out in your G Suite domain.

Source: G Suite Solutions —  Apps Script Powered Workflow Automation

Manage new employee equipment requests within Google Sheets – Sheets to Apps

In today’s episode of Sheets to Apps, @TechandEco will show you how to manage new employee equipment requests with Google Sheets.

See the video description for all the links you need including the reference documentation.

Plan an Educational Visit in under two minutes using Google Apps Script

This video demonstrates how teachers can plan an educational visit in under two minutes using Google Witchcraft and Wizardry (also known as Google Apps Script!)

A creative approach on automating the process of filling a Google Form towards an education visit and creating a Calendar invite with all the relevant information.

Workflow to collect and approve budgets using Apps Script in Google Sheets

Gathering inputs from multiple sources and then taking action on each becomes taxing when the task needs to be realized with frequency and with multiple stakeholders. An example is quarterly or annual budget approvals for a finance team.

In this article the author will share how to use an Apps Script in a Google Sheet to automatically create a budget submission form that you can share with end users, and when their responses arrive in the sheet, you can collaborate with other reviewers to send emails in bulk depending on whether you are approvingrejecting, or asking for more information about their request. The emails use a Google doc as a template that pulls information from the sheet such as a user’s name, the budget values they entered, or special comments.

Source: Workflow to collect and approve budgets using Apps Script in Google Sheets