
Google Sheets: Zapier app of the day

Need your spreadsheet to do a specialized task, such as detecting and deleting duplicate rows automatically? You can build and publish custom add-ons with the Google Apps Script to take your spreadsheets to the next level. Don’t know code? Browse the Google Sheets add-on store to see what features others have built.

Always nice to see other organisations highlight Google Apps Script.

Source: Google Sheets: Zapier app of the day

Google Apps Script – Stack Overflow growth trends and predictions 

Stack Overflow in 2023: Predicting with ARIMA and BigQuery – Can you predict the top Stack Overflow tags of 2023? BigQuery makes this easy, with its new support for training time-series analysis models with ARIMA.

Felipe Hoffa has prepared an interesting post looking at current Stack Overflow tag usage and future trends. You can read more details about the trends for the big hitters like Python and JavaScript in the source blogpost. Felipe’s post also gives you the opportunity for a little ‘exploratory analyses’ as he has also provided a link for you to play with an interactive dashboard on Data Studio.

Felipe mentioned in a tweet that  the prediction was Google Apps Script was to continue to grow:

Given this I decided to have a look at the google-apps-script tag and a couple around it in the Data Studio dashboard and came up with this:

Stack Overflow tag trends: Historic + predictions

Stack Overflow tag trends: Historic + predictions
By @felipehoffa
Read more:

So Google Apps Script, continuing to grow, currently more viewed than Google Cloud Platform and on a par with FFmpeg ;)

Source: Stack Overflow in 2023: Predicting with ARIMA and BigQuery

All about Apps Script – Presented at 24hrs of Google Cloud Talks by DevRel

It’s serverless, it’s integrated, it’s JavaScript. Google Apps Script is a powerful enterprise ready productivity and rapid application development platform that makes it fast and easy to create business applications that integrate with G Suite. In this session you will provide an introduction to the Google Apps Script platform and highlight some example solutions that you can start using today.

Talk presented at 24hrs of Google Cloud Talks by DevRel on 23 June 2020 by Martin Hawksey

Slides –

Taking Advantage of Google Apps Script (Tanaike’s list)

Kanshi Tanaike is a prolific Google Apps Script developer and we’ve often featured solutions are reports that Tanaike has shared. With this in mind Tanaike’s list of Google Apps Script resources is well worth a browse.

Source: tanaikech/taking-advantage-of-google-apps-script

Theatre by email: This unique virtual project lets you ‘teach’ an AI how to feel | CBC Arts

As part of the Rex Project, the audience is emailed collages like this one. It illustrates the details from the AI's
As part of the Rex Project, the audience is emailed collages like this one. It illustrates the details from the AI’s “simulation reports.” (The Rex Project)

It’s a one-man operation, so it’s just me. I’ve been playing around in Google, and they have a really cool service called Google Apps Script, and basically it’s a little programming language that lets me automate their services. So I’ve been writing a code that triggers the emails.

There’s not much detail as to how Apps Script was used in this art installation but it’s always nice to see script and art combine. The project is described as:

In a futuristic world, where the integration of human memories and computer cores has created artificially intelligent androids, companies are mass-recruiting employees to fast-track production. You, the listener, are hired to be an integral part of the quality-control in the emotional development sector. The Rex Project (workshop presentation) is an immersive, virtual, bite-size theatrical experiment that takes place in real time (over 11 days), and is presented entirely through audio-recordings and online platforms.

Rex Project

Source: Theatre by email: This unique virtual project lets you ‘teach’ an AI how to feel | CBC Arts

Firefast is a Firebase SDK for Apps Script V8 Runtime. Read and write data in Firebase using Google Apps Script

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database. Data is stored as JSON and can be accessed in your Web, iOS, Android app using Google’s Firebase SDK. But, Google doesn’t provide such SDK for Apps Script. This library solves that problem. It gives you Firebase SDK for Apps Script.

Nice Google Apps Script library from Mani Doraisamy that makes it easy to read/write data from a Firebase Realtime Database. The site also highlights the performance gain of writing this library from the V8 runtime compared to the older FirebaseApp library shared by Romain Vialard. Mani’s code is open source and if you have issues, feedback or contributions you can add these via the Github repo.

Source: Firefast – Getting Started

Take Your Business Online Integration to a Whole New Level with 56 Hours of Instruction on Google Scripts, Apps, Projects & Tips — Source Code Included

The training in The Increase Your Google App Productivity with Google Script Bundle can show you all you need to know to navigate the entire scene like a pro.

The training starts the introductory level Google Apps Script Complete Course: Beginner to Advanced. Here, even first time users get a velvet glove experience learning Script, how it operates and the ways you can use it to power up your app projects immediately.

For those of you who track Google Apps Script with Google Alerts your inbox is probably full of notifications about this Google Apps Script course provided by Google Developers Expert Laurence Svekis. Don’t delay to get this course discount…

Source: Take Your Business Online Integration to a Whole New Level with 56 Hours of Instruction on Google Scripts, Apps, Projects & Tips — Source Code Included

Replays from SheetsCon 2020 – the world’s first, dedicated online conference for Google Sheets users

SheetsCon 2020 was the world’s first, dedicated online conference for Google Sheets users on 11th – 12th March 2020.

We had 11 world-class experts talk about how they craft solutions using Google Sheets and G Suite.

Over the course of two jam-packed days, we had everything from deep-dive tutorials on specific topics to cutting-edge solutions across different industries. We had 1-on-1 networking opportunities, roundtable discussion rooms with other professionals and an Expo Hall with vendors at the forefront of the Google Sheets movement.

Listen to all the replays and access all the templates when you enroll for free.

Whilst this was Google Sheets focused there are a number of sessions that cover Google Apps Script and G Suite Add-on development. As well as the replays there are a number of linked resources you can also use.

Source: SheetsCon 2020 Replays

Benchmark: Loop for Array Processing using Google Apps Script with V8

Benchmark: Loop for Array Processing using Google Apps Script with V8 –

Kanshi Tanaike has published some useful benchmarks looking at the process time for various loop methods comparing the old Google Apps Script runtime with V8. Something to keep in mind that while there are performance improvements there is a cost as calls to G Suite services:

Source: Benchmark: Loop for Array Processing using Google Apps Script with V8

ES 6 Features for Google Apps Script: Template Literals – Jeff Everhart

In this post, I look at using template literals, an ES6 feature now available to Google Apps Script developers, to create dynamic multiline strings.

Source: ES 6 Features for Google Apps Script: Template Literals – Jeff Everhart