
Search Drive File Names Add-on

An Add-on to perform a Google Drive file name search from within a Google Sheet to keep the file information saved for future use.

Search Drive file names in Google Sheets

Search Drive file names in Google Sheets

It is easy to search for the names of files within Google Drive, but what happens when there are a lot of results that you need to go through?! Scrolling continuously down the page becomes quite clunky and frustrating, so with this tool you can perform that same search in a Google Sheet but have the results collated into the Sheet also, so they are much easier to then work with.

This Google Sheet will contain:

  • a clickable link to the file,
  • the file type,
  • the date it was created,
  • when it was last updated,
  • the folder path where it is stored,
  • the ID of the file.

Source: The Gift of Script: Search Drive File Names Add-on

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