
Measure Core Web Vitals of your Websites with Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics defined by Google to help webmasters understand the performance of their websites. You can automate the measurement and tracking of core vitals with Google Sheets.

Another incredibly rich resource from Amit Agarwal containing useful guidance on not only performance of websites and potential impact on search ranking, but also a very concise coding pattern for reading and writing data in Google Sheets.

Source: Measure Core Web Vitals of your Websites with Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

This YouTube Video Has n Views – How the Video Title Updates Itself – Digital Inspiration

How to automatically update the title of your YouTube video to accurately reflect the views and comment count in the title.

Amit Agarwal has a great eye for these little tweaks. The source post has all the code you need (one note to keep in mind is you might get into authentication loops if using other Google Apps Script services with this script solution)

Source: This YouTube Video Has n Views – How the Video Title Updates Itself – Digital Inspiration

Google Maps Formulas for Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

You can bring the power of Google Maps to your Google Sheets using simple formulas with no coding. You don’t need to sign-up for the Google Maps API and all results from Google Maps are cached in the sheet so you are unlikely to hit any quota limits.

Great post from Amit Agarwal using the Maps Service for Google Sheets custom functions.

Use Google Maps formulas inside Google Sheets to calculate distances, travel time, get driving directions, look up postal codes with reverse geocoding and more!

The post includes all the source code and has some great examples using the V8 syntax.

Source: Google Maps Formulas for Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

How to Create Zoom Meetings with Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

How to use the Zoom API to automatically create and schedule Zoom meetings with Google Apps Script

Great little snippet from Amit Agarwal showing how you can interact with the Zoom API using Google Apps Script. This post is also a great example if you are also looking for a code pattern for interacting with APIs using JSON Web Token (JWT). As Amit mentions it’s worth noting that:

We can build Zoom apps with the OAuth2 library as well but since this app is only for internal use and will not be publish to the Zoom marketplace, the JWT approach is easier.

Source: How to Create Zoom Meetings with Google Script – Digital Inspiration

How to Download Speaker Notes in Google Slides – Digital Inspiration

With Creator Studio, you can easily convert your Google Slides presentation into animated GIFs and video slideshows. The add-on can also extract speaker notes from your slides and export them as a text file in Google Drive. Internally, the app uses Google Apps Script to export Speaker Notes from your Google presentation and writes them to a text file inside Google Drive.

In this post Amit Agarwal share some very clean code for iterating across each slide in Google Slides and export the speaker notes into a single file. Click through to the post for the source code.

Source: How to Download Speaker Notes in Google Slides – Digital Inspiration

YouTube Uploader – Let Others Upload Videos to your YouTube Channel – Digital Inspiration

Make your own YouTube uploader form and let anyone upload videos of any size to your YouTube channel. The uploader can send videos even anonymously without a Google account.

It is easy to upload videos to your own YouTube channel but there’s one limitation. Only the owner of the channel can upload videos to their YouTube account and they cannot delegate the task to someone else in the team.

Google Drive has the concept of shared folders. A folder can have multiple collaborators and anyone can upload files to that folder. Wouldn’t it be useful if such a feature were available for YouTube channels as well? You maintain a single YouTube account and multiple people can upload videos to your common account without the owner having to share their Google account credentials with anyone.

Source: YouTube Uploader – Let Others Upload Videos to your YouTube Channel – Digital Inspiration

How to Send SMS Messages with Google Sheets and your Android Phone – Digital Inspiration

Send personalized text messages to your contacts with the help of Google Sheets and your Android phone. The SMS messages go directly from your phone SIM, no third-party SMS service is required.

Amit Agarwal (@labnol) has highlighted a really interesting model to integrate G Suite with Android mobile apps using Google Apps Script and MIT’s App Inventor. In Amit’s example he illustrates how you can quickly create your own Android app as a proxy for sending SMS messages from a Google Sheet. Given the flexibility of App Inventor this opens up numerous other opportunities to integrate G Suite and your Android phone.

Source: How to Send SMS Messages with Google Sheets and your Android Phone – Digital Inspiration

Track Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases in India with Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) tracker uses sparklines in Google Sheets to help you visualize the spread of the coronavirus outbreak across different states of India over time.

You can always depend on Amit Agarwal (@labnol) to come up with clever solutions. In this post Amit outlines how he uses Google Apps Script to collect/parse data from the Indian Government website so you can track COVID-19 cases. Already Andrew Roberts has used Amit’s solution to create another version of the tracker for Wales (UK). Ping us at @AppsScriptInfo if you make a variation for your own region and we’ll list it in this post.

Source: Track Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases in India with Google Sheets – Digital Inspiration

How to Generate a Report of Bounced Email Addresses in Gmail with Google Apps Script – Digital Inspiration

The bounced email report for Gmail lists all the email address that bounced. It also provides the response provided by the recipient’s server for rejecting your email.

Nice script example shared by Amit Agarwal for getting a bounced email report from your Gmail account.

Source: How to Generate a Report of Bounced Email Addresses in Gmail – Digital Inspiration

How to Scrape Reddit with Google Scripts – Digital Inspiration

Learn how to scrape data from any subreddit on Reddit including comments, votes, submissions and save the data to Google Sheets

Here’s Google script that will help you download all the user posts from any subreddit on Reddit to a Google Sheet. And because it’s using instead of the official Reddit API, the script will no longer be capped to the first 1000 posts. It will download everything that’s ever posted on a subreddit.

Source: How to Scrape Reddit with Google Scripts – Digital Inspiration