
Setup automated reminders in Google Forms/Google Sheets with Apps Script


In this article I’ll show you how to setup reminder emails that will get sent automatically each day if there are any pending tasks in your spreadsheet. Stay tuned until the end, where I’ll show you an easier way to accomplish this using Coda.

Eric Koleda must be the undisputed master of the Apps Script demo. The ‘random cat’ Add-on, is one of my favourite examples where Eric finds a really simple hook to get you engaged in what can often be a complex project. Eric is now Developer Advocate at Coda and he’s not lost is eye. In this post Eric gives the gift of script with a basic example of how you can handle email notifications from Google Form responses in batches with a timed trigger (cats being replaced for cakes). Eric also shows how a no-code alternative can be accomplished in Coda.

Source: Setup automated reminders in Google Sheets

Totally Unscripted: Enough of this sheet. A look at Coda with Eric Koleda, Developer Advocate @coda_hq


As part of our last episode of Totally Unscripted we spoke to former Google Workspace DevRel Eric Koleda about his new role supporting the Coda community.

Coda provides word-processing, spreadsheet, and database functions. It’s a canvas that blends spreadsheets, presentations, apps, and documents together. The software can integrate with third-party services like Slack and Gmail.

Eric gave a fantastic overview of the Coda platform highlighting  opportunities for developers to integrate with services like Google Apps Script via the Coda REST API and the new Coda Packs, which are currently in beta.

The clip is an excerpt from the full show where we get to see these features in action and some additional resources referenced are linked below:

Creating dummy data for Gmail using Google Apps Script

Nice little helper script from Eric Koleda using a model you might want to use in other projects to testing/debugging.

Bulk Gmail Label Manager (made with Google Apps Script)

Use this spreadsheet to manage your Gmail labels in bulk! To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Make a copy of this spreadsheet.
  2. Wait a few moments for the “Bulk Labels” menu to appear.
  3. Click “Bulk Labels > Pull labels”.
  4. When prompted, grant the script authorization to your account.

You can then use the spreadsheet to create, rename, and delete labels. You can also merge labels, which deletes a label but also moves all of it’s messages to another label.

When ready, click “Bulk Labels > Perform actions” to make the updates.

The classic Halloween dilemma: how to visit as many homes as possible solved by Eric Koleda with a little Apps Script