
Bulk Gmail Label Manager (made with Google Apps Script)

Use this spreadsheet to manage your Gmail labels in bulk! To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Make a copy of this spreadsheet.
  2. Wait a few moments for the “Bulk Labels” menu to appear.
  3. Click “Bulk Labels > Pull labels”.
  4. When prompted, grant the script authorization to your account.

You can then use the spreadsheet to create, rename, and delete labels. You can also merge labels, which deletes a label but also moves all of it’s messages to another label.

When ready, click “Bulk Labels > Perform actions” to make the updates.

4 comments for “Bulk Gmail Label Manager (made with Google Apps Script)

  1. Clark Lind
    21 November, 2019 at 18:3326

    I keep running into the error: “Service Gmail API has not been enabled for your Apps Script-managed Cloud Platform project. If you recently turned on this advanced Google service, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.” even though I have the Gmail API turned on.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    • Clark Lind
      21 November, 2019 at 18:3626

      Nevermind, I got it working.

      • hpchavaz
        24 November, 2019 at 10:1426

        Hi Clark,

        I am stuck qith the same problem
        Can you give a hint on how you solved it?


  2. 5 October, 2020 at 19:3524

    Works great! Thanks for sharing!

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