
📮`MMailApp` for Google Apps Script: GmailApp+MailApp+Gmail API

The library lets you send emails, using MailApp, GmailApp, and Gmail API. The library takes care of parameters, so you do not need to care about which method to use. I had trouble with my project when I wanted to automatically send emails and suddenly for me we’ve reached the daily limit. This is why I’ve decided to make some research and be sure fewer bad things happen in the future.

If you are looking for a deep dive into Google Apps Script powered email sending options you are at the door of enlightenment. In this post from Max Makrov you not only to get an explanation of the options and benefits for sending email with MailApp, GmailApp and the Gmail API, but also a handy library, MmailApp. which makes it easy to switch between all three.

Source: 📮`MMailApp` for Google Apps Script: GmailApp+MailApp+Gmail API

Sending emails with Amazon AWS Simple Email Service (SES) with Google Apps Script

This week was the first time I’ve tried AWS. I wanted to test AWS SES to write some emails with the help of Amazon. The learning curve was painful for me because I was totally lost in the documentation. Here’s what I came through

Max Makhrov is on a role with Google Apps Script and Google Sheets development. As well as this latest Medium post looking at Amazon AWS Simple Email Service (or as Max discovered – ‘Not so Simple Email Service’) if not already well worth following Max on Twitter (@max__makhrov) for lots of very useful Google Sheets/Script tips.

If you are hitting your quotas on Google Workspace daily email sends using AWS SES could be one solution. If you want to avoid the bold banners in recipients inboxes here’s some additional required reading on How to Set Up AWS SES and Avoid Spam Folders is essential reading. This covers setting up DNS records for SPF, DKIM, DMARC when using AWS SES. As these changes are required at a DNS level it’s not possible to set this up on regular accounts.

Source: Send Emails with Amazon AWS SES from Google Scripts

Syncing handwritten notes from reMarkable 2 to Notion [or A.N. Other via your Gmail inbox with a little Google Apps Script] 

Use Google AppsScript to automatically sync your reMarkable notes via Gmail to Notion.

Not the first example I’ve seen where the lack of API’s or other suitable integrations leads someone to using their inbox as an interface to move data around. This is a nice script example for moving handwritten notes made using reMarkable to project management and note-taking service, Notion. If you are not a Notion user it would be easy to send notes to another destination like Tasks, Sheets or a different external service like Coda.

[Aside: Yesterday in Pulse we highlighted some work by Pablo Felip on Coda webhook-based automations with Apps Script. This resulted in a useful discussion on Twitter with Coda developer advocate Eric Koleda about when best to use Coda’s webhooks:

So if you are a Coda user you might want to look at reMarkable -> Gmail -> Apps Script -> Coda webhook :)]

Source: Syncing from reMarkable 2 to Notion

Google Workspace Add-ons: Creating conditional homepage content with Google Apps Script and Card Service

Image credit: Google

There may be times when you want to present different content in your add-on’s homepage depending on certain conditions.

For example, I want to present a card to the user when they run my add-on for the first time (I’ll call it ‘card-A’), but present a different card for each subsequent time the add-on is run (‘card-B’).

Whilst this post from Clark Lind focuses on Gmail add-ons the code snippet could be used for other Google Workspace Add-ons for Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides that use the Card Service.

Source: Gmail add-ons: Conditional Homepage Content

Tips, tricks and scripts for automating your Gmail inbox with Google Apps Script

Image credit:

One the powerful features of Google Apps Script is with a couple of lines of code you can quickly start automating and organising your inbox. For people just getting started with Apps Script Google provide a introductory codelab ‘Accessing Google Sheets, Maps, and Gmail in 4 lines of code!’ and for those wanting to do a bit more the Google Workspace Developer documentation includes a ‘create a mail merge‘ solution.

Mail merge solutions are bit or a reoccurring theme in the world of Google Apps Script. In 2011 the official G Suite Developers Blog featured 4 ways to do Mail Merge using Google Apps Script with community contributions from James Ferreira, Steve Webster and Romain Vialard. The post references Romain’s ‘Yet another Mail Merge’ script, which he went on to develop as a very successful YAMM add-on before refocusing on the Mergo Mail Merge. Even further back when Google Apps Script was officially launched in 2009 this included a introductory video with a mail merge example.

A well as Google official channels the ability to automate your Gmail inbox has regularly caught the attention of the wider tech press. In 2013, Computerworld highlighted Jonathan Kim’s ‘Gmail No Response’ script which goes through your inbox and finds recent emails where you were the last respondent.  Jonathan’s blog post is no longer available but the Gmail No Response’ script is on GitHub where it has been forked 100 times.

One of those forks is a variation by Christopher Gee published in Find emails with no reply automatically in Gmail which:

runs through the emails in your inbox and checks your outgoing messages for a question mark. Once it finds these emails it checks to see if they are in a date range and then sees if you have had a response. If you have not had a reply to your email containing a “?” then it adds the label “No Response”. You can then quickly see all of the threads for which you are awaiting a reply.

If you are interested in more Gmail script solutions then I highly recommend you have a look at content shared by Amit Agarwal. This doesn’t just include Apps Script solutions but also a number of Gmail tips and tricks. As many of these feature the way you can search your Gmail inbox they can also be used with or if using the Gmail Advanced Service Gmail.Users.Messages.list. A nice example of where a Gmail user tip can be used in Apps Script is Amit’s post which includes how to Search Emails by Specific Time in Gmail.

The list of examples could go on (and I’ve not even mentioned Stonian’s recent post Keep your Gmail inbox size in check with google app scripts :). Do you have a favourite ‘tip, trick or script’ for Gmail and Google Apps Script?


Create multiple labels in Gmail with Google Apps Script

With this reusable script you can create multiple labels in Gmail whenever you need to do so. All you have to do is create the script as shown in the video and then use it to create multiple Gmail labels in one go.

Continuing the Gmail label theme in this latest video tutorial from Chanel Greco you can learn how to batch create Gmail labels from data in a Google Sheet.

Creating a ‘full fat’ RSS feed for Google Gmail labels with Google Apps Script

In this post I want to cover three things. First I want to introduce a little app I’ve developed which allows you to create a RSS feed for any of your Gmail labels (with the option to remove certain links – useful if you don’t want others unsubscribing you from mailing lists). Secondly I explain how it was made and how you can use it yourself. Finally I want to discuss how this could be used in an open course environment, utilising the vast processing power from services like Twitter and reusing their target marketing emails to your benefit with a bit of ‘dark social judo’.

This solution was first published in May 2013 and since then Google Apps Script has evolved deprecating services that originally made this solution possible, in particular, ScriptDB and the original XML service which includes a handy .parseJS() method.

Following a request I’ve recently updated the solution to make it work again. As well as swapping out ScriptDB in favor of using the Properties Service I used the makeRSS method previously highlighted here in Apps Script Pulse.

Source: Creating a ‘full fat’ RSS feed for Google Gmail labels (enabling some dark social judo)

Extract Unsubscribe Links from Emails using Apps Script and Python

Take control of your inbox by unsubscribing from emails you never have time to read, or have lost interest in. … I opted to use Google Sheets as a centralized place to store emails and their unsubscribe links to make it as user-friendly as possible. This also provided the added benefit of working with Google Apps Script to extract email metadata from Gmail to Google Sheets.

Interesting little Apps Script project for those interested in tidying up your inbox and also an opportunity to try a bit of python. Alternatively you might want to have a go at modifying this solution to also extract unsubscribe links with Google Apps Script

Source: Extract Unsubscribe Links from Emails using Apps Script and Python

r/GMail – Has anybody here tried to improve Martin Hawksey’s free Mail Merge system? [adding custom attachments to mailing] 

Has anybody here tried to improve Martin Hawksey’s free Mail Merge system? from GMail

I’m not really a reddit user but this question about adding custom attachments my Google Workspace Solutions Gallery – Mail Merge example landed in my inbox. The solution is, in Google Apps Script tradition, one line of code! The line is:

if(row['Attachment'] != '') emailTemplate.attachments.push(DriveApp.getFileById(row['Attachment']).getBlob());

The logic is:

  1. check if the row value in the column named Attachment 
  2. if true call Drive to open file with attachment id and push to the emailTemplate object.

The line is added just after:

const msgObj = fillInTemplateFromObject_(emailTemplate.message, row);

If you prefer you can also copy this sheet for a working example. To attach different files the Attachment row cell needs to include a Google Drive file id. There are a number of ways you can get Drive file id’s. For example, here is a Getting all files’ file-id from a folder in Google Drive snippet.

If you are interested in more of what is happening in this solution, the emailTemplate object is returned by getGmailTemplateFromDrafts_(). This function gets the Gmail draft message and as well as any attachments including inline images. If you are interested in handling attachments and inline images you can read more in Everything you ever wanted to know about Gmail draft inline images and Google Apps Script but were afraid to ask.

Mergo: Designing a template gallery in a Google Workspace add-on

Mergo is a mail merge add-on for Gmail. With the new gallery, users can easily create, share & reuse templates.

Instead of starting your email from scratch, you can open the gallery and select a template: it will appear as a draft in Gmail.

We recently had Romain Vialard join us on Totally Unscripted to talk about some of his add-ons. This post is another example of Romain’s continual exploration of Apps Script, this time looking the new Grid view for the CardService. You an find out more in the source link.

Source: Mergo: Designing a template gallery in a Google Workspace add-on