
Google Apps Script Tip: Sorting through an array of duplicates

Sort through an array of duplicates and extract unique values into a new array.

Remove array duplicates

Remove array duplicates

The following Google Apps Script is designed to go through an array of values that contains duplicates and create a new array of only the unique ones, arranged alphabetically. I needed this code when looping through files in a Google Drive folder where tutors and their groups formed part of the filename that I needed to extract for the end file that was created.

Source: The Gift of Script: Sort through an array of duplicates

Filter a try/catch error message when coding with Google Apps Script

Search a try/catch error message for keywords to determine the error message to log using JavaScript match.

Filter an error message in a try/catch

Filter an error message in a try/catch

The following Google Apps Script is designed to exercise how you might go about searching the error message in a ‘try/catch’ for keywords. I wanted this specifically for a tool I built that contains a lot of code (and hence a lot of potential error messages) between a try/catch, for which a very small number of people were experiencing a timezone issue with their Google Sheet file.

The aim was to use a JavaScript ‘match’ to find the keyword timezone and display a set of instructions for the user to resolve the issue themselves instead of just a generic error message.

Source: The Gift of Script: Filter a try/catch error message

Workaround: Checking Existence of File ID in Google Drive without Access token and API key using Google Apps Script

This is a workaround for checking the existence of file ID in Google Drive without both the access token and API key.

When you want to check whether the file of the file ID is existing in Google Drive, generally, you might use Drive API and Drive service (DriveApp) of Google Apps Script. In this case, the scope of Drive API is required to be used. By this, the access token and the API key (in the case of publicly shared files) are required to be used. But, there might be a case that the available scopes are limited. In this post, I would like to introduce a workaround for checking the existence of file ID in Google Drive without both the access token and API key.

This workaround could have been a nice addition to a recent project I was working on to audit a bunch of Google Drive file IDs. As noted in this post a big benefit of the approach is there is no need to include Google Drive authentication scopes to your project. See the source post for the code and explanation.

Source: Workaround: Checking Existence of File ID in Google Drive without Access token and API key

Import CSV data into Google Sheet using Google Apps Script

Loop through CSV files in Google Drive and extract their contents into specific areas in Google Sheet files.

CSV File template to copy data into

CSV File template to copy data into

The following Google Apps Script is designed to loop through a folder of CSV files in Google Drive, extract the data, create a Google Sheet file per CSV, and insert the data into specific rows/columns.

Source: The Gift of Script: Import CSV data into Google Sheet files

Reading Qualtrics survey details with Google Apps Script

Use the Qualtrics API to connect with a Survey and get its details.

Qualtrics API Survey details

Qualtrics API Survey details

Most of the complexity with this simply comes in getting the correct syntax for connecting to the Qualtrics API. This Get Survey Qualtrics webpage provides a little bit more technical detail for what exactly is sent/received.

You will need to complete the 3 pieces of information at the top of the Apps Script code for your own setup:

  1. API Token from the Qualtrics website,
  2. ID of the Survey you want the details of,
  3. Your Data Center ID.

Source: The Gift of Script: Get Qualtrics Survey details

Search Google Drive for ‘Shared with me’ with Google Apps Script

Search Google Drive for all of the files found in the Shared with me space and collate the results into a Google Sheet.

Search Google Drive 'Shared with me' and collate the results

Search Google Drive ‘Shared with me’ and collate the results

It will collate the following information into a Google Sheet:

  • The file name as a direct clickable link,
  • The file ID,
  • The type of file eg PDF, Google Sheet/Doc,
  • The file creation date,
  • The file last updated date,
  • The folder path,
  • The file owner.

Source: The Gift of Script: Search Google Drive for Shared with me

Autofill Google Sheet Formula with Google Apps Script

Use Google Apps Script to Autofill a formula down rows in a Google Sheet.

Autofill Google Sheet Formula

Autofill Google Sheet Formula

The following Google Apps Script is designed to insert a formula into the first row of data in a Google Sheet, then use Autofill to add the formula to the subsequent rows below. In this example I am just using a simple Sum formula to add up age and shoesize for demo purposes. The need to do this came about when combining multiple Google Sheet files however, that needed calculations adding to the final composed version.

Source: The Gift of Script: Autofill Google Sheet Formula

Clearing cells in multiple Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

This is a sample script for clearing the discrete cell values on multiple sheets using Google Apps Script.

Handy little code pattern for clearing ranges across multiple tabs in Google Sheets. Snippets are provided for both SpreadsheetApp and the advanced Sheets service.

Source: Clearing Discrete Cell Values on Multiple Sheets using Google Apps Script

Move column positions in Google Sheets with Google Apps Script

Move columns in a Google Sheet

Move columns in a Google Sheet

The following Google Apps Script is designed to reposition 2 columns within a Google Sheet. It is a small and simple bit of code but it was something new to me when I was collating lots of files together and appending columns at the end – which then needed to be moved.

In this example I am moving columns ‘collegename’ (E) and ‘shoesize’ (F) to the left of ‘postcode’ (D). So that ‘postcode’ will be the final column (F).

Source: The Gift of Script: Move Column Positions

Removing Google Drive file access permissions via a Google Apps Script Web App

Remove a users edit access to a Google Drive file via an Apps Script Web App.

Web App code sample

Web App code sample

The following Google Apps Script is designed to remove a person’s edit access from a Google Drive file via a Web App. The reason for using a Web App in this instance is because removing a person’s access to a file whilst they are running Apps Script code typically results in an error (or most certainly the inability to cleanly end the code). In the project I was working on prior to this step the code needs to send some automated emails before finishing with removing the person’s access.

Source: The Gift of Script: Remove File Access via a Web App