
Unit Testing GAS Part 3: Adding and Testing Functions | ohhey[blog]

We’ve looked at how to install and configure QUnit and just finished writing some simple tests. In this post, we’re going to write a new method, add(a, b) in Calcs which will add the two passed parameters.

Part 3 in the unit testing series, this post looks at writing tests for new methods and some considerations for when (or when not) to use private functions in Javascript when it comes to testing.

Source: Unit Testing GAS Part 3: Adding and Testing Functions | ohhey[blog]

Unit Testing GAS Part 2: Simple Tests | ohhey[blog]

Unit tests are for single units of code. They test a specific function for a specific result…

Part two in a series on unit testing, this configures the QUnit web application and has you write simple tests against an Apps Script class.

Source: Unit Testing GAS Part 2: Simple Tests | ohhey[blog]

Unit Testing GAS Part 1: QUnit Setup | ohhey[blog]

I’m not good at writing testable code. I’m more of a ‘figure it out when it breaks’ kind of hobby programmer. The problem with this is that I am constantly making my own bugs and not really finding them until a bad time.Unit testing is the process of running automated tests against your code…

The first post in a series, this will eventually be an in-depth look at unit testing both as a habit of writing code and through the lens of large Apps Script projects.

Source: Unit Testing GAS Part 1: QUnit Setup | ohhey[blog]

Working with Google Apps Script in Visual Studio Code using clasp – Yagisanatode

This little tutorial is going to guide us through the steps that will allow us to work, push and pull Google Apps Script code from the online editor to Visual Studio Code.

Related to the clasp CLI from Google, this short guide gets you set up with clasp, installing an auto-completion library, and pushing a project from VS Code to your Apps Script project online.

Source: Working with Google Apps Script in Visual Studio Code using clasp – Yagisanatode

Write Apps Script Offline with clasp

🗺️ Develop Locally: clasp allows you to develop your Apps Script projects locally. That means you can check-in your code into source control, collaborate with other developers, and use your favorite tools to develop Apps Script.

Source: google/clasp

The Apps Script IDE is great, but with larger projects, I know I’ve wanted to be able to use a more powerful IDE. clasp (Command Line Apps Script Projects) is a CLI that allows you to start, write, test, and deploy Apps Script projects from any text editor you want.