
Easily managing time-driven triggers using Google Apps Script and the TriggerApp library

Google Apps Script can be executed by time-driven triggers. This is one of the very important points for taking cloud computing. But, the scenarios using time-driven triggers are different for each user, and there are a lot of situations for using time-driven triggers. But, when a script for implementing time-driven triggers is developed, each script is different and complicated. In this report, I would like to introduce easily managing time-driven triggers using a Google Apps Script library.

In Google Apps Script time-driven triggers are a powerful way to automate tasks including Google Sheets. However, managing them can be difficult, especially if you have a lot of triggers and need triggers to run at different times and frequencies. The TriggerApp library from Kanshi Tanaike makes this a lot easier and this post includes a number of examples that are easy to copy/modify for your own script projects. The post covers the following scenarios:

  • Execute 2 functions at specific dates and times
  • Execute a function with a specific cycle between specific times between specific dates
  • Execute 3 functions with a specific cycle between specific times on weekdays
  • Send an email on a birthday every year
  • Execute specific functions on specific weekdays in a week
  • Execute 6 different functions every 10 minutes from “09:00:00” to “11:50:00” in order
  • Opening hours of Google Form from 09:00 to 17:00 on Weekdays
  • Opening Hours of Google Spreadsheet from 09:00 to 17:00 on Weekdays
  • Execute specific functions at 09:00 on Monday to Friday at the beginning of specific months

The source code for the library is on GitHub and includes documentation on all the methods it uses.

Source: Easily Managing Time-Driven Triggers Using Google Apps Script

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