
Import, export and mix container bound and standalone Google Apps Script projects – Desktop Liberation

This article covers how to pull scripts from multiple projects and import them into another project. You can even use this to make container bound script standalone, or visa versa. … This article will cover the library that does all that, along with various other usage examples – for example, pulling in code snippets from or libraries, merging manifests, or testing add-ons.

Some more magic from Bruce Mcpherson this time creating and documenting a library that can be used to copy/replace scripts. Bruce’s illustrates this with an example of pushing a standalone script to a container bound Google Sheet project and I’m sure you can find many other ways this could be useful to maintain script projects.

Source: Import, export and mix container bound and standalone Apps Script projects – Desktop Liberation

1 comment for “Import, export and mix container bound and standalone Google Apps Script projects – Desktop Liberation

  1. Tom A Smith
    24 February, 2022 at 10:0926

    This looks really interesting, and is a direct practical response to Google making the making of Add-ons unnecessarily difficult/complex/opaque/beaurocratic etc.

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