
Change Google Drive Folder color with Apps Script – Stéphane Giron – Medium

In Apps Script you can use the DriveApp service to manage your files and folders, but the methods getColor and setColor do not exist. You can use the drive advanced service to query the API directly but with recent change you will have to activate the Drive API in GCP and will need a GCP project. To have a smooth integration and skip the Google Cloud project creation here is a function to manage Folder color in Apps Script. These functions queries the API directly with UrlFetchApp() service.

Source: Change Google Drive Folder color with Apps Script – Stéphane Giron – Medium

All Google G Suite Beta programs from Google Next ’19 to Now

Stéphane Giron provides a useful list of G Suite related beta programs announced at Google Next 19

Source: All Google G Suite Beta programs from Google Next ’19 to Now

How to deal with Google Drive API for Team Drive + some Apps Script code, now use the new Drives resource collection

How to use Google Drive API for Team Drive in Apps Script with specific focus for Administrator of G Suite domain to list Team Drive, view Sharing Settings and more

Source: How to deal with Google Drive API for Team Drive + some Apps Script code, now use the new Drives resource collection

Build your own Mail Service for Apps Script with Glitch & Gmail SMTP relay

Since this year (2019) Google will have more strict policy regarding the Gmail scope. If in the past for sending notifications we were used to request the Send Email scope to user, now it is less comprehensible and on Google side you will have to provided lot of more details and your application can be rejected. So it become time for thinking to send email as the application and not as the user. Say Hello to RelayApp service

Source: Build your own Mail Service for Apps Script with Glitch & Gmail SMTP relay