
Multiple Sheets Action. Use Macro Recorder 🔴

Image credit: Max Makhrov

The idea: perform the same action on multiple sheets. The idea is not new, my approach was to use macro each time to see the correct code snippet. It was useful and saved me hours on my current project.

A clever solution from Max Makhrov with some boilerplate script that makes it easy to use a recorded macro across multiple sheets. To make this solution even better I’ve suggested an addition which activates the sheet which makes it easier to reference recorded macro functions. To see in action here is a copy of Max’s Google Sheet with updated code.

Source: Multiple Sheets Action. Use Macro Recorder 🔴

Parse 16K URLs and Put the Result to Google Sheet in 3 Minutes

Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash

Sometimes my best option is to write code on the go rather than using libraries or searching for ready-to-use code. I’ve made a short script for parsing URLs and putting the result into my Google Sheet.

As a developer it is always interesting to see how other people approach problems. This little snippet from Max Makhrov caught my eye because the approach to parsing data in a Google Sheet wasn’t one I’d seen before. Follow the source link to have a look yourself…

Source: Parse 16K URLs and Put the Result to Google Sheet in 3 Minutes