
Update Notion Databases from a Google Sheet (with Apps Script)

Phew — after two days of trying to find a solution for how to accomplish a popular, reasonable set of tasks in Notion’s API, I wanted to do my duties as a Google Developer Expert and blog the solution for others to use.

A familiar story for many developers is getting stuck on a problem. Max Brawer takes some time out to share how he solved a recent problem interacting with the Notion API with Google Apps Script. Max’s post includes lots of great tips for unpicking the steps required to get Apps Script talking to Notion.

Source: Update Notion Databases from a Google Sheet (with Apps Script)

How to Fetch Employee Data from Workday by Building the Great Deku Tree Inside of Google Sheets

They say you only live once, and, with that, you may only once find yourself at a company with a video-game-centric culture. Life at Twitch creates a unique opportunity to bring the magic of gaming to your workday, even when you’re in esoteric corners of the work world such as People Analytics.

Ever wondered how people reporting was handled at Twitch? Max Brawer, Head of People Analytics at Twitch, brings his ‘A’ game outlining how a little Google Apps Script and some Workday API wrangling can be used for some fun reporting. You can read more in the source link and here’s Max’s old post on The Endless Possibilities of Freeing Your Data from Workday and Putting it into Google Sheets: a How-to.

Source: How to Fetch Employee Data from Workday by Building the Great Deku Tree Inside of Google Sheets