
Tech Recruiter Tries Coding pt. 2 — Google Apps (Type)Script

Image credit: Unknown

Talking CRMs, Databases, and how to ditch them; this time within the Lead Generation domain. Bonus: pitfalls of a 90s computing mindset! 😅

Previously on Pulse we shared Rafael Romo Mulas’ post, Tech Recruiter Tries Coding. Rafael has recently published part 2 in which they highlight their journey into VS Code, clasp and TypeScript. If you are unfamiliar with TypeScript its a language which transpiles into JavaScript and basically designed to help you write better code. Rafael notes:

… the main difference is you are forced to be more precise, which avoids running into stupid errors! Therefore, to my surprise, it is actually easier to code in TypeScript than JavaScript, even more so for a beginner like me, because:

  • There is not much to “unlearn” from JS, if you just started anyway.
  • You’re alerted when values can be of a type that would cause errors.
  • You’re forced to do something about it, basically debugging in advance.

You can read more about Rafael’s journey in the linked article

Source: Tech Recruiter Tries Coding pt. 2 — Google Apps (Type)Script

Tech Recruiter Tries Coding — Google Apps Script

Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

After years of working adjacent to software development, first in sales and then in recruitment, I abruptly decided to take the plunge into the other side, and start coding to automate or speed up tasks of my everyday job.

The idea came by when I started using Google Sheets more heavily, and realized how powerful it is by itself, and how much more it can become with the addition of Google Apps Script, which I discovered to my surprise is actually modern JavaScript.

Sharing this post as hopefully it’s encouragement if you are new or a beginner to Google Apps Script that with some time and effort you can begin building your custom solutions in Google Workspace. Also, if nothing else it’s all a great reminder that you can quickly enhance your UI with Unicode characters:

Source: Tech Recruiter Tries Coding — Google Apps Script