
Managing Google Cloud Storage files with Google Apps Script without using a service account

Using Google Apps Script scoped authentication to interact with Google Cloud resources without a service account

A key feature of Google Apps Script is its integration into Google Cloud. The default behaviour when any Apps Script project is created is that an associated Google Cloud project is created and configured. This default project is not accessible to the user and for most scripts, the user doesn’t need to worry about any of the configurations such as enabling APIs and configuring authentication settings.

Other key aspects are identity and authentication. The default behaviour for scripts is usually to run as the account executing the script, Apps Script automatically determining what authorisation is required for different Google services based on an automatic scan of your code or from what scopes have been set explicitly in the Apps Script manifest file.

The last piece in the puzzle is the .getOAuthToken() method which is part of the ScriptApp Service:

Gets the OAuth 2.0 access token for the effective user. … The token returned by this method only includes scopes that the script currently needs. Scopes that were previously authorized but are no longer used by the script are not included in the returned token. If additional OAuth scopes are needed beyond what the script itself requires, they can be specified in the script’s manifest file.

What this means is in script projects we can borrow an access token to use other services that the effective user has access to and have been declared in the script project scopes. For example, if my Google account [email protected] has been added to another Google Cloud project with the Google Cloud Storage service enabled, I can use Apps Script to generate a token to use the Cloud Storage service in that project.

To help illustrate this, here are two examples for interacting with Google Cloud Storage buckets to upload and download files to Google Drive.

Source: Managing Google Cloud Storage files with Google Apps Script without using a service account

GenAI for Google Workspace: Exploring Gemini API Function Calling with Google Apps Script — Part 3


Using Google Gemini API with Google Sheets to create personalized mail merges. An exploration in generative AI ‘function calling’

Google latest generative AI solution, Gemini, includes the capability to declare functions that the LLM can use in it’s response. The response includes the name of the function and the parameters the script needs to run the function.

The function isn’t executed by the LLM, but run with your code, which creates really interesting opportunities for Google Apps Script solutions. In particular, given user identity and authorisation is an integral part of Apps Script and how it integrates with other Google services it means solutions like personalised mail merges can be created in a couple of lines of code.

Follow the source link to find out more about function calling and exploring Gemini’s capabilities with data in Google Sheets.

Source: GenAI for Google Workspace: Exploring Gemini API Function Calling with Google Apps Script — Part 3

GenAI for Google Workspace: Exploring the PaLM 2 API and LLM capabilities in Google Sheets — Part 2

Imagen: An photo image which has a laptop with a spreadsheet application which appears to have rays of light

This is the second part exploring the GenAI capabilities in Google Sheets. In this part learn how you can make an Enhanced Smart Fill for Google Sheets

Google recently announced the latest feature for Duet AI for Google Workspace with Enhanced Smart Fill, which uses GenAI in Google Sheets to generate content based on data and the patterns entered by the user.

Continuing a previous post exploring the PaLM 2 API and LLM capabilities in Google Sheets, this post looks provides a Google Sheet template for experimenting with LLM prompts and spreadsheet data, including how you could make a ‘Enhanced Smart Fill’-like star review generator.

The post includes everything you need to get started, with you only having to make your own MakerSuite API key.

Source: GenAI for Google Workspace: Exploring the PaLM 2 API and LLM capabilities in Google Sheets — Part 2

GenAI for Google Workspace: Exploring the PaLM 2 API and LLM capabilities in Google Sheets with Google Apps Script — Part 1

This post has covered how you can quickly copy MakerSuite code examples to run them in Google Apps Script. To make the iterative process easier I’ve created GenerativeLanguageApp so that once you’ve created/saved an API key, you can drop these code snippets into your Google Apps Script project:

Generative AI (GenAI) is a rapidly developing field that has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including the way we work. Google has developed a number of LLMs that are generally available to developers, including foundation models trained for text, chat and code which are accessible as part of the PaLM 2 API. To help developers explore the capabilities of these models, Google has created the MakerSuite site.

In this post I share GenerativeLanguageApp, a Google Apps Script helper class which makes it easy to quickly copy MakerSuite code examples to run them in Google Apps Script. This is a great way to start experimenting with LLMs and seeing how they can be used in Google Workspace.

In the next part of this series, I’ll explore some of the capabilities of when using the PaLM 2 API with data from Google Sheets. Stay tuned!

Source: GenAI for Google Workspace: Exploring the PaLM 2 API and LLM capabilities in Google Sheets with…