
Google Sheets: Code Adding Content to Multiple Tabs – Teacher Tech

Coding Google Apps Script is easier than you think it is. Learning to code can increase your productivity significantly. One thing I frequently code is adding the same piece of information to multiple tabs in a spreadsheet…

This article presents the building blocks for performing the same action to each sheet in your workbook to eliminate time and mistakes.

Source: Google Sheets: Code Adding Content to Multiple Tabs – Teacher Tech

Create a Branching Google Form – Teacher Tech

Alice Keeler’s architecture on designing your Google Forms to provide immediate feedback by utilizing branching options is fascinating and efficient.

Create multiple sections in your Form and add only one question per section that determines which section to jump to next. Answer correctly and the branching should take the student to the next question. Answer incorrectly and be taken to a section with a tutorial or hint and a chance to answer a new question.

Source: Fast: Create a Branching Google Form – Teacher Tech