
Move files uploaded with Google Forms to specific folders in Google Drive with Google Apps Script

Learn how to move uploaded files from Google Forms to a specific folder in Google Drive. You can also rename the files based on the form responses

Amit Agarwal, the brains behind Digital Inspiration’s Document Studio must have one of the most feature full Google Workspace Marketplace Add-ons. I also like Amit’s approach of sharing how you can solve problems like moving Google Form file uploads using Document Studio as well as providing an Apps Script snippet if you would like to manually code it.

In this example some setup is required to specify a folder ID and create an onFormSubmit trigger. After this the script then retrieves uploaded files from the form response, creates a subfolder named after the unique Response ID, and moves the files into that subfolder within the specified parent folder. This provides a structured and organized way to manage file uploads from Google Forms.

Follow the source link to read more about this script solution and about Document Studio.

Source: How to Move Files Uploads from Google Forms to Specific Folders in Google Drive – Digital Inspiration

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