
How to built a Support AI Assistant for Google Workspace with Apps Script, Gen AI and Google Chat

Building a Support AI Assistant for Google Workspace using Apps Script, Gen AI, and Google Chat.

This post from Stéphane Giron highlights one approach for improving responses from LLMs by integrating Google Custom Search Engine responses into the prompt. In this example Stéphane used Google Apps Script to power the AI Assistant, integrating with Google Chat for the user interface and Cloud Functions to reformat data.

This post is another example of the ‘power of the prompt’ and how LLM prompting strategies are a very effective way to utilise LLMs without having to ground or fine tune. If you are interested in understanding more here is a useful notebook produced by Michael W. Sherman which illustrates two powerful LLM prompting strategies: Chain of Thought and ReAct (Reasoning + Acting).

Source: How we built our Support AI Assistant for Google Workspace with Apps Script, Gen AI and Google Chat

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