
Master Google Apps Script UIs — Part 7: Routing in Your GAS Front-End


Hey there, code wranglers! 🤠 Welcome back to our Google Apps Script (GAS) UI series. Today, we’re venturing into the wild world of Single Page Applications (SPAs). For the uninitiated, a SPA is a web application that interacts with the user dynamically, rewriting the current web page with new data from the web server, instead of the default method of the browser loading entire new pages.📚

Now, why are SPAs a big deal? They help in reducing the time taken to load the entire page because only a part of the page gets updated. We’re going to bring this SPA magic to our sidebar with the help of a slick Navigo router. 🎩

No worries if ‘Navigo’ sounds like a hip new dance move. By now, you should be pretty comfy with installing dependencies from NPM. But if not, it’s like adding a shiny new tool to your utility belt. It just gives you the superpowers you need to build your web app.

Source Master Google Apps Script UIs — Part 7: Routing in Your GAS Front-End

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