
Pseudo OnEdit Trigger for Google Document using Google Apps Script

In the current stage, there is not OnEdit trigger for Google Document. But I sometimes have the case that I want to use OnEdit trigger. So, as the current workaround, I created this sample script. I think that this workaround can be also used for Google Slides, Google Form and also Google Spreadsheet. In the case of Spreadsheet, what the existing OnEdit trigger and the time-driven trigger cannot do can be achieved.

Source: Pseudo OnEdit Trigger for Google Document using Google Apps Script

2 comments for “Pseudo OnEdit Trigger for Google Document using Google Apps Script

  1. 3 December, 2021 at 03:2425

    I’m using the same approach. But search is not an exhaustive determinant of validity. I prefer to store the paragraph hash (MD2 is fine) on the client and return an additional query if the hash does not match.

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