
Totally Unscripted: Enough of this sheet. A look at Coda with Eric Koleda, Developer Advocate @coda_hq


As part of our last episode of Totally Unscripted we spoke to former Google Workspace DevRel Eric Koleda about his new role supporting the Coda community.

Coda provides word-processing, spreadsheet, and database functions. It’s a canvas that blends spreadsheets, presentations, apps, and documents together. The software can integrate with third-party services like Slack and Gmail.

Eric gave a fantastic overview of the Coda platform highlighting  opportunities for developers to integrate with services like Google Apps Script via the Coda REST API and the new Coda Packs, which are currently in beta.

The clip is an excerpt from the full show where we get to see these features in action and some additional resources referenced are linked below:

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